Apple Mail will not add NTLWORLD e mail account
I4 days ago I became aware that emailed sent from my ntlworld account from an ipad on OS 17.4.01 where not being delivered to the recipient. There were 20 stuck in the outbox. Nothing I did would clear the messages. I have attempted to reinstall my ntlworld email account following the advice on various forums etc and nothing is working. I have iCloud, gmail, hotmail on Apple Mail and they are working ok. I also have my ntlworld account working on outlook on a pc. In fact I removed and reinstalled the hotmail account in the iPad to prove I could, works perfectly. I have used the 20 letter app security code provided with and without hyphens and get the same message as the OP re there is no ntlworld password, return to email account and enter. Today I spent 2 delightful hours on the phone to virgin in India and I still have had no solution from them. If I get another 20 letter code generated there is zero guarantee it will work and that will effect all my other machines with working emails. All help and advice welcome
Update because this might help someone else:
I signed up for Virgin Homeworks, put a call in to the supplied number. An engineer used remote access to view my iPad screen (they cannot remotley take any actions only view the screen due to apples security. We established that I was doing everything correctly. I was then asked to open Thunderbird on a PC and send an email which then generated an on screen message that said my IP address had been blacklisted! This had been done by Spamhaus. So I then had to disconnect the iPad from my virgin WiFi, connect to my cell phone hotspot, add the ntlworld account to,apple mail and it was added straight away. I then successfully repeated this with my iPhone using my cars Smarty data WiFi modem. I report was sent re the blacklisting and it was removed using There really are some bad actors out there!
all,is up and working now. I was very dubious regarding allowing remote access to my machines from India. So put a call into Action Fraud who assured me it was a legit service but not to part with any bank or password details.I