Red light on hub
Hi, same problem. 3 days Constant Red Light. Turned off/on several times. Did the pinhole reset. The hub is not even warm. Normal constant download speeds, so no problems at all other that the red light. I called Customer services yesterday and was told its something to do with a recent software update. So the red light is just a malfunction and they wont send out a spare until the hub breaks completely.
I wonder if anyone can post a link whereby I might be able to buy my own HUB as a spare. I dont want to wait until my original breaks down and then have to wait several days for a posted replacement.
Hi Sjames18
VM provide all the equipment including free swap outs for damaged/faulty devices. If you did happen to procure one from elsewhere it wouldn't work as all hubs are tied to the account and the account address.
If you are in modem mode and using a third party router then the light should be magenta (can also appear red) so there's nothing to worry about.
However if you're in normal router mode and have performed the pinhole reset (keeping the reset button depressed for a full minute) and the lights still red then it should be replaced.
A member of the forum team should pick this up for you in a day or two.