how to get a complaint dealt with and connection fixed without the need to get ofccom involved
So i have been with virign on this package 15 months now and its due to end i the new year ,
i have had zero issues that whole time. then as of two days ago my internet has become unsuable, theres no chnages on my side or in my living situation.
as a vulnerable customer with health issues and also a student i need my connection for my studies and personal health reasons. i have tried to get this resolved yesterday but the agent was so unhelpful did nothing to fix the issues and was more interested in trying to get me to upgrade my package and buy wifi boosters.
im not happy and day 3 without a working internet which i am paying for and as i says has worked this whole time without issues. they always claim everything is working on their end and your just left with a broken service whilst they still gladdy take your money.
So virgin media how do i get this sorted form somone high up in your team or is it a case of taking this up with offcom and just quitting virgin for good as you are failing to provide me a fit for purpose service.
i will say you can't get anywhere with complaints via customer service agents as they just fobb you off and try and upsell you. Why would i pay more money when the service isn't even working. So your making the service fail to get me to pay more so you're breaking my contract we had in place.
its very convenient this close to my contract coming to an end all of a sudden im getting issues.
If someone from virgin can get in touch to get this resolved please i would appreciate this as i need my connection for study and it's day 3 here i need to get on with my work or i will fail to meet my deadlines for study.
thank you and i look forward to a resolution