Forum Discussion

mfarrugia's avatar
Joining in
2 years ago

1 Gig Connection has been extremely unreliable (maybe since 100Mbit upload upgrade?)

I've been with Virgin Media in this house for 10 years. There was a period of instability when we upgraded to 1 Gig a couple of years ago but it has generally been pretty reliable. The last couple of months it has been up and down like a yoyo. Below is the trace from today. I'm at a loss as to what is causing it and unfortunately I think I'm either going to have to downgrade in search of stability or switch provider.







The SNR and power levels all look fine:


The only entries in the log looks fairly innocuous:

Any suggestions? I have the had the router in bridge mode connected to a Unifi Dream Machine Pro which has generally been rock solid so I don't think its that.. but open to suggestions...

  • VM's last firmware release for the Hub 4 was quite blooper, we no longer get to see any Pre or Post RS errors for the 3.0 DOCSIS Downstream channels.

    But in the 3.1 DOCSIS channels we do see a massive clue as to the issue, the stats show over 19 Million Pre RS errors have occurred and Zero Post RS errors. Zero  - You can not be serious ! That is another Hub 4 firmware blooper.

    In short is looks like a serious SNR ( line noise ) issue has been occurring in your locality.

    Often via 0800 561 61 we can get info about know faults in our street & progress to fix.