Forum Discussion

KRRC's avatar
Joining in
6 months ago

Upgrade to 360

I have received an email from VM to say I can 'update my tv box to Virgin TV360 at no extra cost. This involves installing it via an app on the TV and I will get sent a new remote controller. Does this mean that I will be able to watch 4k content on my existing box or would I need to change my existing V6 boxes to get 4K? Any advice would be appreciated

  • If you are happy with the V6 boxes, stay with them. 

    • KRRC's avatar
      Joining in

      Many thanks for your help, did as you said and changed the settings... works fine now 😉

      So, do you know if I do the app thing to get sky sports + will it affect my V6 box's performance?

      • roy247's avatar

        If you update to 360 to get Sky Sports+ you will lose a lot of the TiVo features.

        See Tavis75 reply in this thread he sums up most or all of the missing V6 features.


  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    If you are happy with the V6 boxes, stay with them. 

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Fundamentally TV360 is different to V6, and the marketing people's use of the word "upgrade" is at best debatable. It's a bit like saying "Upgrade from Apple to Android" when many people would consider it a downgrade - in either case, it's a migration.

    TiVo-software has benefits over TV360, but TV360 also has benefits over TiVo/V6. Which set of benefits are better for individuals, is subjective and down to personal usage. To cite one example, voice control is quoted as an improvement on TV360, whereas I find the same feature on other devices a complete pain and prefer V6's single-button to go between live TV & recordings. Others would argue the opposite and consider speaking to their TV box/remote as a step-forward.

  • I also got the email to upgrade to 360.  The email said that VM would send me a new 360 remote and nothing has arrived.

    Has anyone else received a new hand set?  

    I'm tempted to ignore the upgrade and ask for a reduction in monthly cost.  Will VM give me a drop in costs?  I wonder