TV360 Recording Playback Failures | CS2200 | CS2214 | CS2217
Adding to what looks like a long list of TV360 HDD failures!!
1.First issue a couple of weeks back was that the box decided to freeze when playing back a recording, and decided to delete all recordings!!!
2. Since then, multiple issues with recording playback, with various error codes (CS2200 | CS2214 | CS2217)
I've done a hard reset (delete recordings), two soft resets already (keep recordings). Internet connectivity is very good, all on-demand services are fine and I've tested on both ethernet and 5GHz wi-fi. Software is up-2-date
Attempted to contact CS by chat, nearly 3hrs of waiting and no response
Spoke to CS last week and they tried to tell me it was because I was using the hub in modem mode and using my own mesh 🤣. After we excluded that, they were going to monitor it and promised to call back on Friday, nothing. 4 days later and still nothing!!
What next, as it is clearly a hardware issue, likely bad sectors on the disk. It is very, very frustrating and hope some kind soul can help get this sorted ASAP please.