Forum Discussion

rowdyangel's avatar
On our wavelength
7 months ago

TV Box Saying Storage Full & Recordings Failing

Hi, my box is showing as storage full, but it has only 4% usage and all new recordings are failing.

Have done factory reset with 'keep recordings' but that has not resolved it. Don't want to format as have several recordings I've not watched yet.

This is a brand new box which we've only had for about 5 months, the previous box was a reconditioned one which was DOA with a hard drive failure.

Please can anyone advise?  Tia.

  • roy247's avatar
    7 months ago

    If you can use all the apps ok then that would suggest your internet connection is ok which the 360 relies on because the recording info is held on their servers although the recording is on your box.

    The hub always needs to be left on and the 360 in fact start or active start.

    If this is how you are setup and you can't pause or rewind live TV then it would point to a faulty box, you can either call Virgin on 150 to report a fault or wait for one of the forum team to respond which may be 2 to 3 days.


  • Sounds like a possible hard drive or box problem, can you still pause and rewind live TV which is another way of simulating a recording. The other thing to try is watching one of your recordings to see if you can.


    • rowdyangel's avatar
      On our wavelength

      The failed recordings don't give me the option to play them as they state the programme was not recorded due to a technical fault. I can only watch on the suggested streaming channel.

      Older recordings which look to have recorded without error will not play either. I get code CS2214.

      When trying to pause live TV I get brief message Channel Failed with code CS2000.

      • roy247's avatar

        If you can use all the apps ok then that would suggest your internet connection is ok which the 360 relies on because the recording info is held on their servers although the recording is on your box.

        The hub always needs to be left on and the 360 in fact start or active start.

        If this is how you are setup and you can't pause or rewind live TV then it would point to a faulty box, you can either call Virgin on 150 to report a fault or wait for one of the forum team to respond which may be 2 to 3 days.


  • rowdyangel's avatar
    On our wavelength

    I took the plunge and did another factory reset but this time I formatted the hard drive too.  Took a pic of the screen of all my planned recordings so I have set them up again and made a note of the recordings I would lose so that I can watch them on catch-up or stream.

    Pausing live TV works now and recordings are working and playing back successfully.  The message about storage being full has also gone so it seems to be resolved......for now, although I do wonder if the problem is a precursor to the hard drive failing.  I guess time will tell.

  • This may not be helpful but Virgin is terrible. I’ve lost so many recording and things because of things that have gone wrong. Shame SKY is so expensive otherwise none of us would be here let’s be honest. 

    • roy247's avatar

      If your box is losing recording's then you need to call Virgin and get the box replaced, it's always best to start your own post rather than adding to someone else's and give the full details of the problem.