Forum Discussion

tonyO's avatar
Joining in
20 days ago

Remote or 360 box u/s

After speaking to Virgin after my remote wouldn't turn the 360 box on they sent me a new remote. I'm trying to turn the box on with it and no luck. Sometimes l get the welcome screen for about a minute and then instead of the Virgin Media l get a blue screen. The remote flashes  white on it's own and then rapid red flashes. Is it the box or the screen. I've tried turning the  box off  holding the power button and the + one for 30 seconds, but no luck....Any suggestions

  • Sorry l meant is it the box or is it the remote

  • Sounds like your 360 is faulty, you don't need the remote to turn it on. If the box is powered off just press the power button on the front of the box and that should turn it on, if it doesn't then it's faulty and needs replacing.

    You can either call Virgin again or wait here for one of the forum team to respond which might be 2 to 3 days.


  • newapollo's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Hi tonyO 

    It should work by holding down the 'Live TV' and '0' button together for around 10/15 seconds. The Standby button should then start to flash followed by an onscreen message displaying 'Pairing successful - this remote will only work with this Virgin 360 box'.

    You can also try the following:-

    Put the box into 'Pairing Mode' by pressing the Standby/On button on the front of the 360 box for 10 seconds.  Then using the remote control, press and hold the 'Live TV' button and the '0' button together for 10/15 seconds. And fingers crossed hopefully a  message should appear on the screen confirming that pairing was successful. 

    If the above doesn't work then use the minus button instead of the plus button.

    Turn off the 360 at switch;  then on the 360 box  hold down both the power button and the minus (-) button at the same time. Then turn on the 360 again whilst keeping hold of those buttons for a further 30 seconds. The box should reboot, the power button will turn blue, and it should reset and boot up normally as a 360.


  • I've tried the above and no joy. The 360 box at the minute just has the red light on and isnt responding to the remote. If l turn it off for a minute or so, when l switch it back on the power light turns white on its own. Thats when the welcome screen appears, stays for around a minute then disappears leaving a blue screen. The power button stays on white but doesnt respond to the remote. I've done this a few times with the same result

    I can't pair the remote with the box as l never get far enough down the line to be able to do so

    • roy247's avatar

      As posted earlier, faulty box call Virgin or wait for the forum team.


      • newapollo's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        Hi again tonyO 

        One last thing you could also try is the three fingered salute, which is switch off on the back of the box;  then on the front hold down the plus, minus and power buttons at the same time, and switch on again whilst keeping all three buttons pressed down.  When it restarts you might see a message it can't acquire the channels. If so press OK and let it restart again. 

  • Thanks newapollo but again no joy. Get the welcome screen again for about a minute then the blank blue screen with the white power button on. I'II wait for the forum team before l try to speak to someone at Virgin.  Thank you all for your suggestions 


    • Carley_S's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi tonyO 

      Welcome to the Community Forums. 

      Sorry to hear of your concerns with your set-top box switching on and the remote. 

      We can see that you've been in touch with the team since posting and have actions in place to try and resolve this for you. Please let us know if you are having any further issues or have any questions at all. We'll be here to help on the Community Forums if needed

      • tonyO's avatar
        Joining in

        To be honest l thought l'd give it one last go before l rang 150 and battled to get a new 360 box. I pressed the power switch on the box, as usual it stayed red, pressed again and again and after half a dozen or so goes, it switched to white but still no picture. Pressed to switch it off, again it took a few goes and the colour returned to red. An improvement on what I'd been getting, so l pressed again, 1 push and  it changed to white and a few seconds later the Virgin Media logo came up, couple of minutes later l got a picture and the box was now working   " normally " again.

        The remote now controls the box, almost certainly, after all this  the box is not 100% but after a week or so without a picture I'll stick with it and give it a go.

        Again thanks for all your suggestions and advice, all previously  tried and tested but my box didn't want to know. Maybe l should gave just given it a whack in the first place, a basic technical adjustment.