Forum Discussion

stevegilmour's avatar
On our wavelength
2 years ago

Netflix app is crashing constantly.

I've read all the previous threads on this subject and followed the factory reset by keeping recordings. It is still crashing when I open Netflix via V6 box and have to go to my smart tv for Netflix which is annoying.

Has anyone else managed to rectify this problem without formatting the disk? Is there a software update planned that deals with this?

Thanks 👍

  • David_Bn's avatar
    2 years ago

    Hi stevegilmour, thanks for your post on our Community Forums, and I'm sorry to hear of the issues experienced with the Netflix application on our 360 TV box.

    Can you please confirm if you've followed the advice offered by roy247, to see if this is able to assist with the fixing of this issue?



  • You possibly have a faulty box, I am currently watching Netflix with no problems and haven't had a problem with Netflix crashing or not starting.

    If you have tried a factory reset using the  keeping your recordings option I doubt that using the format option is going to help. If Netflix is the only app you are having problems with I would call Virgin on 150 from a Virgin phone, mobile or landline, or 0345 454 1111  from any other phone to report a fault, or wait here for one of the forum team to pick this up which might be 2 to 3 day's.

    When phoning choose the option to report a fault, then ignore all the options offered and you should then be placed into a queue to speak to someone.

    You could also try turning off match frame rate if it's set to on, this has caused problems for some users.


  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Are you using a V6 or a TV360? Same hardware but very different software - you've posted in the TV360 forum but referred to a V6. The answer to your query substantially depends which you have.

    V6 boxes have the TiVo-logo in the top-right corner of the UI next to the video preview. TV360 doesn't use TiVo software and doesn't have this. 

      • David_Bn's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi stevegilmour, thanks for your post on our Community Forums, and I'm sorry to hear of the issues experienced with the Netflix application on our 360 TV box.

        Can you please confirm if you've followed the advice offered by roy247, to see if this is able to assist with the fixing of this issue?

