Forum Discussion

Marco68's avatar
On our wavelength
8 months ago

360 box not playing recordings

I have two Tivo boxes converted to 360. The second box is used by my elderly mum. Every day now for the past four or five days when she starts to go and watch something she has recorded, it will not play any recordings she just gets a spinning wheel. Once I reboot the box though it then works normally. What is going on as this cannot be right? TIA

  • A drawback of the 360 is the difficulty in playing recordings if there is a poor or missing broadband connection. I suggest a connection of your mum's box to the router with an Ethernet cable.

  • It might be a case that the recordings weren't made on your mum's box, with 360 you have to specify which box you want the recordings made on or they just default to one master box and both boxes need to be set to fast start or active start.

    If you go to Recordings > Recorded > See all > and click on the Recorded tab you will see a drop down with the following options:-

    Recorded, Recorded on this Virgin TV box, Planned, and Planned for this Virgin TV box. - highlighting "Recorded on this Virgin TV box" will just show those programs recorded on that box.

    You can make the 360 record programs on predetermined boxes. When setting up a series link go to Advanced options and select which box you want the recording to be made on.


    • Marco68's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Thanks Roy, but I don;t think that this is the issue as once the box has been rebooted the recordings are viewable. I know what you mean about recordings being on the other box, but as they are both Tivo boxes they each have a hard drive for recordings which has been working without issue until about 5 days ago.

      • japitts's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        Marco68 wrote:

        as they are both Tivo boxes they each have a hard drive for recordings

        TiVo & TV360 are fundamentally different products. I suspect what you mean is that your boxes are both TV360-masters, and were formerly V6 before being converted into TV360-master. The legacy TiVo's couldn't be converted into TV360 and were physically swapped out.

        Can both boxes still use VoD when this problem happens? That would be a good test of the individual 360 <--> Hub connections.

    • Marco68's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Did a factory reset and kept recordings. Now they all have a red exclamation next to them and say that they failed due to a technical issue, which is presumably that the hard disk is screwed!!!

      • roy247's avatar

        How is the 360 connected to your hub ethernet cable or wi-fi, the 360 requires a connection to Virgins severs because that's where the data is held. If the apps all play without a problem then the network connection is probably OK and it is a hard drive problem although I haven't seen any posts with that message when the hard drive has failed it usually is they have all disappeared.

        I assume the recordings show the same message on your working box.


  • Roger_Gooner's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    A drawback of the 360 is the difficulty in playing recordings if there is a poor or missing broadband connection. I suggest a connection of your mum's box to the router with an Ethernet cable.

    • Marco68's avatar
      On our wavelength

      The issue with that is that she is in an annexe attached to our house, The router is in our house and not strong enough to give a good signal to hers, hence the mesh system which a virgin engineer suggested on a visit previously. I would have to run a very long cable to reach the router.

      • roy247's avatar

        You could bring that box into the house and swap it with the other one just to test it.


  • Roger_Gooner's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    The maximum length of a Cat 6 cable run is 100 metres, which is surely well over what is needed for the annexe.