Forum Discussion

rc37282's avatar
Joining in
3 years ago

Unable to reset password


I am unable to reset my password as the password strength is classed as “invalid”, even when using passwords generated by a password generator. I am therefore not able to reset my password and access my virgin media account.


1. Open the MyVirginMedia app
2. Select “Broadband tv and phone”
3. Select “Forgotten … password
4. Follow the link provided in my email to the reset password page on
5. Try to choose a new password


No passwords are valid. Password strength is ”invalid” even when meeting the password criteria.


A password can be set and password for my account changed.

  • The validation now seems to be behaving as expected for me. I was able to reset my password

  • The validation now seems to be behaving as expected for me. I was able to reset my password

    • JMerritt's avatar
      Joining in

      What did you do, mine keeps doing this and it's driving me crazy!

      Thank you

      • ed0906's avatar
        Joining in

        Think for me a browser plugin was causing the issue. Not sure which one mind, but I swapped to a different browser and it seemed to work…

  • I have exactly the same problem - can't set a password.  Yes, I have tried all the usual things (different browser, different complexity password, different email address, different device).  Tried around 50 times with different combinations.  

    • Ashleigh_C's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi there mbridgett 

      Thank you so much for your post and welcome to the community forums, it's great to have you here. 

      I am so sorry that this has happened for you as well, I will be happy to take a look for you via a Private Message.

      I will pop you a PM across now, please keep an eye out for the envelope at the top of your screen alerting you to a new message.

      • Samalo1661's avatar
        Joining in

        I am having exactly the same issue, can you help please??

  • Did anyone actually get a fix for this? My bill has just gone up this month and I can’t even access my account to find out why, infuriating!

    • Gareth_L's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hello Commander_L.

      Thank you very much for joining our Community.
      Can I just apologise for you not being able to access your bills online.

      Have you been able to sign into your online account previously?

      If you know the email address you can use the Forgotten password option to gain access.

      If you are still struggling, please let me know and I can take a further look into this.


      • Commander_L's avatar
        Joining in

        I have precociously been able to view my bills online yes. Still can’t get access with my current password or change my password to a new one. I need to get this sorted asap

  • Having exactly the same issue, have tried different browsers and clearing cache and cookies, no luck - can someone help please??

    • Kain_W's avatar
      Forum Team (Retired)

      Hi Samalo1661,

      Thanks for your post and welcome to the community 

      Apologies for the issues faced, can I ask is this for a newly installed account?


  • I too cannot reset my password for my virgin media, i've tried different browsers and clearing my cache etc but it still won't accept my new password! This is for an account that is more than 20 years old!

    Please advise?

    • Zach_R's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi bobbo

      Thank you for your post and welcome back to our community forums. We're here to help.

      I'm sorry to hear you're having some trouble resetting the password for the online account. Have you made sure that you're following this criteria?

      •  Be between 8-64 characters.
      •  Must start with a letter.
      •  Contain at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter.

      •  Contain at least one number.

      •  Special characters are allowed but not required (e.g. ! # % & @).
      •  Cannot contain easy to guess words, usernames, or previously used passwords.

  • I have the same problem here. I am unable to reset my password. It doesn't matter what password I try it says its invalid. Please help..

    • Steven_L's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hey alby1007,

      Welcome to the community and thanks for taking the time to post here on the forums. I’m sorry to hear of the issues that you’re having with your online account. I would be happy to take a further look into this for you but first I would need to confirm a few details via private message, please look out for my message and we can get started.
      Kind Regards,

      • Couru's avatar
        Joining in

        Hi All, and particularly Steven:

        I also had this issue, where the password would be marked as invalid regardless. I've found that refreshing the page and never entering an invalid password fixed the issue - the second you click out the box for typing your password, that "state" is saved and you have to reload if it is invalid.

  • I have almost the same problem with my email password.  When I trry to change it it claimns to send a six number code to my gmail account prove who I am but it nevre appears!  Whar is going on???