VOIP switchover
My elderly parent, 85, was told she needed to switch over to broadband phone. There was not an option or told that she could wait until the deadline. She was informed that the area was moving over. She was not alone.
Since moving to VOIP, she has had no end of connection issues with a very intermittent service. She has now had a BUU installed, as she does not have a mobile. This unit is fixed downstairs. So now she has no reliable service in her upstairs bedroom, to call for emergency help.
What does Virgin customer service suggest? Well your answer was contact the council to get an emergency button installed!!!
Although the transfer to VOIP is not mandatory till December 2025, they refuse to transfer an elderly vulnerable person back to the old reliable service. Instead they are suggesting that she looses more of her dignity and independence by paying for an additional council service- rather than ensuring that she has a reliable service that she can access from her home 24.7 that she pays for!- Disgusted & outraged
Please if you have elderly relatives ( who are not tech savvy) do not encourage them to switch over, the new technology is not reliable and will prove to be more of an issue for them