Using extension phones after switch to fibre
A Virgin engineer recently visited us to connect our landline phone to our hub. That was OK. Our main phone is working normally.
But our various extension phones no longer work. I phoned Virgin, but I was told that extension phones cannot be used after the landline is plugged into the hub. I find this hard to believe.Was this advice correct? And, if not, is there anything we can do about it?
Thanks in advance for any help.
ConstantReader wrote:....Snip
I phoned Virgin, but I was told that extension phones cannot be used after the landline is plugged into the hub. I find this hard to believe.Was this advice correct?
No it wasn't correct, you were basically misinformed; to put it lightly, or, and let's be honest here; outright lied to - yet another example of VM's offshore (and probably the world's cheapest and least competent) customer service staff employing the usual 'I don't know the answer to this, not having had any training in it, so I'll just make something up, anything will do to get the customer off the line'. They chalk up another 'successfully closed call to make the stats look a bit better - and, if you were too call back, it'll be someone else's problem.
I can't help but notice that the above post from a VM staff member, failed to make any mention of, or apology for, the failure of their CS people to properly advise you - possibly hoping it'll just be forgotten and you'll just be grateful to have your extension phones working again!
Something, you might want to bear in mind when wondering if you want to continue being a VM customer.