Forum Discussion

mj2504smith's avatar
Joining in
2 months ago

Replacement Telephone Landline

Due to events outside my control, I no longer have a telephone landline and have been told that in order to have a new landline, the phone would have to be plugged into my router.  As my router is upstairs, this option would not be viable as phone needs to remain downstairs.  I was wondering therefore what my options would be in order to get a phone line installed and what the cost would be.  Please note that I am paying for a phone line that I am no longer able to use.

  • goslow's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Use a cordless phone system. Plug the cordless base station into the hub upstairs and use cordless handsets around your home as required.

  • Hello mj2504smith.

    Thanks for your post.

    We're sorry the fibre upgrade with your landline has thrown up an issue.

    The advice given by @gloslow would be one of the options to help.

    The other option is for us to relocate your Hub from upstairs to where suits you best.

    Can you please let us know if you'd like to go for the latter?


    • mj2504smith's avatar
      Joining in

      The Hub needs to be upstairs because I have it attached to my work laptop via cable, so am going to look into having a cordless phone system as suggested by goslow, however I was wondering what the phone number would be.  Would I have to enquire with Virgin directly?

      • Gareth_L's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hello again mj2504smith.

        There are 2 ways to find out what your phone number is.

        The first would be to call your mobile from the landline and see what number appears.

        The second would be to look at a recent bill through your online account here 


  • nodrogd's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    If you have given up your old number a while ago you will be allocated a new one. Until it is actually installed you won't know what the number is.

  • Thanks for your time via PM mj2504smith 

    I'm glad we could resolve this for you 🙂

    If you need anything else, let us know.