Forum Discussion

lacom's avatar
Tuning in
7 months ago

Being charged for calls, but never used landline

Just received bill and noticed I've been charged for landline call. We don't use landline. We don't even have a phone. 

How can it be sorted and charge removed? I'm more than happy to remove landline for good. 

  • goslow's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Presumably you didn't remove the landline from your package if you are still getting telephone bills.

    Did you ever get the landline repaired so that it can make/receive calls or are you still operating with no working physical connection for the landline?

  • No, I did not remove landline and did not repair line. 😔 Was told they will do reset / refresh of account and it will fix things.

    As well was told my money will be credited back. But nothing like that happened. 

    • goslow's avatar
      Alessandro Volta

      While you have a non-operational line, there is a potential for any faults on the line to run up phantom call charges without you knowing anything about it. It will continue to happen until you compel VM to do something about it (either fix the line or remove the line from the package as advised above).

      At the moment you can't test the line to even see if it is working or not.

      Have you tried dialling your own landline number to see what happens (line dead, ringing tone, someone answers ...)?

  • fizz's avatar
    Fibre optic

    Why don't you just get the digital landline that works from your hub.. you just plug a phone into it then..