Unknown landline call charges for 26p a minute (+ VAT). What are they for?
My latest bill has an additional usage charge of 31p, which is shown under the "calls below 50p" heading as one call with a duration of 1.00 minute costing 26p (excluding VAT). My previous bill also had an additional usage charge, this time for 94p, which was shown as 3 calls with a total duration of 3.00 minutes costing 78p (excluding VAT). As the calls are less than 50p, my bills do not show the number called, so I'm trying to find out what the charges relate to, as I've never had them before. Does anyone know what calls were previously included in the unlimited minutes that are now subject to an additional charge of 26p per minute (excluding VAT)? A couple of months ago, my landline was unplugged from the wall socket and is now plugged into my broadband modem, and I don't know whether that could have something to do with it or whether that's just a coincidence. Any help would be appreciated, as I would like to be able to avoid these unknown additional charges in future if possible.
Hi Rob63
Welcome to our community forums and thank you for your first post. Sorry to hear you are experiencing unexpected charges on your landline. We want to do our best to look into this. For this reason, we are sending you a private message. Please keep an eye out for an envelope at the top right corner of your Forum page. Let me know if you have any issues locating this