Forum Discussion

PaulR66's avatar
Tuning in
2 years ago

1 Gig - no upload increase

I have the 1 Gig service and have been waiting for the upload increase. I have rebooted the HUB 4 many times but it is still stuck on 50mbs upload

Virgin is actively advertising the service here :-

Which I am paying for but not getting. 

Was this a national rollout or more piecemeal? 

I am in area 22

  • That could explain it.

    Although technically four 3.0 upstream channels are capable of 100Mbps I believe you won't 'see' the update from 52Mbps unless you have the additional DOCSIS 3.1 upstream channel.

    Another poster reported a similar issue and they also did not have the fifth channel.

    Your area may still require a hardware upgrade.

    When accessing your account does your package state the faster upload speed?

    • PaulR66's avatar
      Tuning in


      I only have 4 upstream 3.0 channels and no 3.1 channels. I do have one 3.1 downstream channel

      • carl_pearce's avatar
        Community elder

        That could explain it.

        Although technically four 3.0 upstream channels are capable of 100Mbps I believe you won't 'see' the update from 52Mbps unless you have the additional DOCSIS 3.1 upstream channel.

        Another poster reported a similar issue and they also did not have the fifth channel.

        Your area may still require a hardware upgrade.

        When accessing your account does your package state the faster upload speed?

  • Hi 
    Not seen that page before, useful. Yes it does show 104Mb on the upload 

    • carl_pearce's avatar
      Community elder

      In which case you'll need to wait a few days for a reply from VM to investigate further.

  • Thanks for the help.

    Call me cynical but the area I am in only FTTC is available or Virgin. I wonder since there is little competition for speed then other areas where competing FTTP is available are being upgraded.

    • carl_pearce's avatar
      Community elder

      The area I'm in is limited to VM only for anything other than copper phoneline based internet (No FTTP) and I have DOCSIS 3.1 upstream and 104Mbps upload.

  • I seem to be having the same issue in area 31. My account shows I should have 104 upload but stuck on 52 

    • Outcasst's avatar
      On our wavelength

      I am also in Area 31, no upgrade here but account shows it.

      Also the postcode checker for new customers says 104mb upload.

      • Nathan_B's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi there all 👋 Thanks for popping a post on our forum about you not getting the upload speeds you're expecting 😊

        Just to confirm, when you are running the tests to see the upload speeds, is this being done on a wired or wireless connection? I'd recommend trying on both connection types to see if there is any difference.

        Also, it would be best to try with one device connected at one time to see if you get near these speeds.

        Let us know how this goes, we'll be happy to help further if needed.



  • I'm in area 30 and my online account says I should have 104 upload but I'm still stuck at 52 and I have rebooted a few times.. 

  • Thank you for popping back to us PaulR66 I have not been able to locate your account via the forum details to take a look into this, so I'm just going to pop you a PM so we can get some information and take a look. 

    I will pop you a PM across now, please keep an eye out for the envelope at the top of your screen alerting you to a new message.

    • Madswitcher's avatar
      Tuning in

      I am likewise having a very bad experience with Virgin support on this subject: I have telephoned them 10 times  about the upgrade in my download speed (I am on 1G/52M).  Every time they have promised to fix the problem and none of them have done so.  

      At first they denied that such an upgrade in upload speed was possible, then it was not available and it was not until I told them to look at my account profile explicity stating the new speed and pointing them at the official announcement, that they accepted the fact. The latest excuse was to ask me to " look at the speed every day and it will gradualy increase" - what a load of rubbish this is not ADSL.

      We have been rebooting the Superhub every day since June 3rd and still no promised increase in upload speed.

      Virgin Media - you need to inform and train your (I assume Indian) support staff as they are doing you no favours, and, in fact, doing you damage.

      Meanwhile, how do I get the promised increase?

      /rant off

  • I have just had a virgin engineer to visit as arranged by a member of the forum team to check my connection for the upload speed. From what the virgin engineer checked is that my area does not have the upload speed upgrade  and will not until October, possibly as there is no definite plans. There seems to be a disconnect in the information available in virgin. 

    I am disappointed that this upload increase is available in some areas but not mine even though virgin is advertising it available and my account shows that I should have it. 

    To those that are waiting for the upload increase are probably in the same situation

    • Matthew_ML's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hey PaulR65, thank you for reaching out and I am sorry to hear this.

      We are always investing in our network to get the whole of the UK the speeds its deserves.

      You can check for updates and our latest news here  Thanks 

      • PaulR66's avatar
        Tuning in

        Virgin maybe investing in the network but at a slow rate. Openreach offer FTTP at 1000/100 and altnets offer symmetric where available. If there was an alternative where I am I would not hesitate to change . 

  • I find it remarkable that the moderator on this forum cannot find out (or release) the current situation with regards to this promised updgrade to upload speeds.  Someone inside Virgin Media knows what is going on and is not being open and honest with users. 

    If there is a problem and a plan to fix it, personally I would find that good PR to share with Users as it sets expectations and Users know where they are.

    So how about it Virgin Media - come clean and let your Customers know what is going on, share the plan with us and stop playing one-up-manship with your competition.

    • aeloen's avatar
      On our wavelength

      I have had exactly the same experience. My account shows 104Mbps but my router configuration is still showing the ~55000000bps limit. 

      I have explained this again and again on the phone and they don't even understand the basics - keep telling me the expected range is 50-100Mbps therefore no issue. 

      I've been going in circles explaining (why should I even need to) that if I have a router config for 54Mbps it is never going to be possible for me to get more than that. The response has been "all gig1 customers get 52Mbps"

      Not only do customer services not know what virgin are selling/advertising they don't understand the basics when it comes to router configuration. 

      If they offer to send me out Virgin Max one more time I'll go mad!

      • Natalie_L's avatar
        Forum Team (Retired)

        Hello aeloen, 

        Thanks for posting to the thread. 

        We are sorry to hear you are experiencing issues with your upload speeds. 

        Have the team confirmed that the speeds have been increased?

        Are you running your Hub in modem or router mode please? 



  • It has taken 5 months but now I have the 105mbs upload at last. I was provisioned with an extra 3.0 & 3.1 upstream channel.

    This is in area 22, BR8 

    • Gareth_L's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hello PaulR66.

      Thank you for your post.

      That is great news to hear you now have the upload increase.

      If you need anything else at all, please let us know.
