Forum Discussion

adamc147's avatar
Joining in
9 months ago

Upgraded from Superhub 2 to Superhub 4 - no management access in modem mode


A few weeks ago, I was asked to upgrade from my Superhub 2 and a superhub 4 was sent. I always use modem mode as I prefer to use my own router/firewall. I've been through the reset process several times switching to modem mode, but I am unable to access the hub settings once its switched over. times out, and no ping response. I can see the public address learned through DHCP on my outside interface of my router, and internet access works normally. I just cannot reach the superhub. When in router mode I can browse to just fine. I've gone through the reset / switch modes a few times leaving it alone for a good 10-20 minutes. 

The support on the website is useless and sends you around this reset loop. Is there anyone here that can help?



  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    What IP range is used on the LAN of your 3rd party Router ?   

    • adamc147's avatar
      Joining in

      I have multiple, in the range. All are configured to hide nat behind the interface facing the superhub. I will add there have been no internal changes, only swapped out the superhub, and I could browse to the address of the superhub2 prior to swapout (I grabbed some status screenshots). 



      • adamc147's avatar
        Joining in

        To add further as I meant to mention this in the original post: when do the status check on the vm support page, it says there is something rong with the hub and it needs to be reset (which I've done manually multiple times), the automatic reset also fails from the webpage. So I think management access is broken completely. Is it a firmware issue? I've seen others post similar issues. 

  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Depending on what router you have you can put a virtual interface on WAN with then when you go to your router will ARP to the hub.

    • adamc147's avatar
      Joining in

      Thanks for the suggestion, I cant do that with the current device, I do have several routers though that I can test that on. In theory it shouldn't need to arp as the default route will carry the traffic through to the superhub and it should intercept it (I suspect thats what the superhub2 does as it just worked without any secondary addressing on the wan interface). I'll try a different router and see if I can at least reach the management interface. 

  • Hi adamc147 

    Welcome back to our community forums and sorry to hear you are having issues when trying to access your hub in modem mode. We can understand the frustration caused. Can you let us know how long this issue has been ongoing? Also, does it time out on multiple devices and browsers? Additionally what issue were you looking to raise with us?


    • adamc147's avatar
      Joining in

      Hello, this has been going on since you sent me the super hub 4. And t has never worked in mode. Mode. I have tried safari, chrome, brave - none work nor does it ping. Nothing has changed only swapping the sh2 to the sh4 at your request. 

      one thing I have noticed, since swapping to the sh4 voip phones signalling works but the realtime voice traffic does not. Or rather it does if I reboot the sh4 for an hour or so the.n stops working. 

      It’s also worth mentioning again that your own service status page says it cannot reach the sh4 from the wan side too.

      all of this was working perfectly before the swap out. 

      • Carley_S's avatar
        Forum Team

        Thanks for trying this adamc147 

        We'll get an engineer out to investigate this further and if needed they can replace the router should this be faulty. Please join me on private message so I can locate your account and pass account security. You can see your private messages at the top of the page, in the envelope icon or if you're using a smaller device, you can see your private messages by clicking on the Virgin Media logo at the top right and select 'Messages' from the drop down.