Forum Discussion

CraftyDave558's avatar
Joining in
2 months ago

Potential new customer

Hi, was looking at joining on the 1gb fast fibre package. Was speaking to a sales person and he agreed I could get the package but wouldn't tell me a date to setup my package until I signed up for said package. Wouldn't even give an idea of a date. 

I work nights so need to know a rough idea of the date before I go ahead and agree. 

Is this normal of not giving potential customers an idea of a due date before they agree to the deal?

  • jbrennand's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    You can always just sign up and see what date they offer you.  If you dont like it just get it changed or cancel.

    Note that you are not charged until the service is installed and activated by you in your property.

  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    The sales person won't have any idea of installation times, they need you to sign up as they want the commission. 

    By all means sign up as John says above, but also have a read through this forum to get some idea on how variable installation times can be. Most important of all, do not cancel any existing broadband contract on the basis of a promised Virginmedia date or you may find like others that you are left without broadband. Only cancel when VM is installed and working to your satisfaction. 

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    VM's new service go live times often slip and can initially be wildly ambitions / clearly not achievable.

    So plan an overlap with the current ISP, only submit the instruction to cancel
    after the VM service is live and seen to be working satisfactorily with all of your internet equipment.

    A couple of months with dual ISPs is a lot more convenient than ending up with
    no home broadband for an open ended period.

  • Does your home need a new cable installed?

    If so, that work is contracted to a third party and the agent will not be able to give a firm date for that.

    When I signed up on Monday last week, the date I was able to select on the sign-up page was changed to one three weeks later when the order confirmation was processed.

    However, the cable pull and outside box were fitted on Friday and VM called me yesterday to bring forward the go live installation to this coming Tuesday, so if all goes to plan that'll be 8 days between ordering and getting up and running.

    If you go to the uswitch website you can get to the "choose a date for an engineer page" without having to complete the full order so that may give you an indication of timescales in your area.

  • Putting dates to one side it has been known for the actual package and price to differ somewhat to that agreed with the sales rep. To try to avoid these sorts of misunderstandings always get the agreement confirmed in writing (text/email) before committing yourself. 

  • Hi CraftyDave558 👋.

    Thanks for reaching out to us and welcome to the Community Forums. Sorry to hear that you are having issues with install times for a potential service you wish to take with us. I am afraid the Sales person is correct, we would not be able to advise prior to sale what dates we have available for the installation to take place. That is a calendar that opens up down the line should the installation be a manned installation or a Quick Start where the customer installs the broadband equipment themselves at the nearest available date, should you wish for a specific date we can see afterwards if it is available and change it to that date. 

    The other alternative is to jump on our website and select the package that you wish and then proceed, the calendar will open up for a manned installation you can choose from there prior to completing the sale. 👉 Website.

    I hope this helps. 


    • CraftyDave558's avatar
      Joining in

      Thanks people for the information. Decided to go ahead with the installation. But was given a date for early next month. Just found out its been put back now till January. So not too happy

      • jpeg1's avatar
        Alessandro Volta

        Don't rely even on that date. It could still be delayed again.