Forum Discussion

NSX05's avatar
On our wavelength
6 months ago

A Potential New Customer


A number of months back (before the election), I received a letter from Virgin Media explaining that they are building in my area. I seem to recall there was some sort of unique code on it. Unfortunately, I have lost this letter.

I'm currently on Plusnet VDSL2 and wish to move to FTTP once my contract ends in late October. I've seen a number of grey Virgin Media boxes dotted around the village, the closest to me is at the end of my street roughly 540 ft away according to Google Maps. There's also a telephone pole across the street roughly 67 ft away.

I remember reading in the letter something about using existing telephone poles where it would make sense. The telephone poles have had some kind of upgrade done to them all around the village with new black boxes. A little research indicates these might be Openreach CBTs, but I just wondered if Virgin Media was using the telephone poles, what exactly their equipment would look like?

Elsewhere around the village, Virgin Media's Toby boxes can be seen, but my street specifically is heavy with traffic and I haven't seen any Toby boxes here. It would seem Nexfibre has been busy in my village, and my village is down in their latest Q2 rollout report PDF under 2024. However, the Causeway map doesn't seem to indicate any plans for my street in the next 12 months.

As a potential new customer, I'm confused as to whether Virgin Media will be an option or not?

Kind regards,

  • Hi NSX05 

    Thanks for posting and welcome to the community.

    I'll send you a PM now to get some details and I'll mail the relevant team to see if we are planning on expanding to your area.

    Best wishes.

    • NSX05's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Thank you John, I have responded with the information you requested. 

  • Roger_Gooner's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    There are two separate projects going on: VM is overbuilding its HFC network with fibre and you an tell when a new cabinet gets installed next to an exsiting one, nexfibre is also building with VM as its anchor tenant. The network by nexfibre uses Openreach ducts and poles if possible, cheaper and quicker than digging. If a pole is used then you'll see nexfibre's CBT installed on it. When nexfibre finishes its build VM soon offers its services.

    • NSX05's avatar
      On our wavelength

      That's great to know. It appears that we have Nexfibre CBTs on our poles. Thank you so much for pointing that out. It all makes sense now.

      • John_GS's avatar
        Forum Team

        Morning NSX05 

        Thanks for joining me in PM - I have asked the question for you now :).

  • Vm use cabling underground to usually green street cabinets ,,, tg poles will be openreach ... cabling above ground /check this site... ...better internet dashboard ... insert your postcode and a relevant house number ... see what is there and ready for use ... may be VM is " the way to go " probably others as well ... have a look ...good luck😄

    • NSX05's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Nexfibre is also using telephone poles where they can to speed up their rollout. Those black boxes in my photo turned out to be Nexfibre equipment. My area is still listed as "by 2026" by Openreach so they're not in a rush ... at least until Nexfibre has finished. Then I'm sure they'll suddenly show up. ðŸ™„

      What I've found is that if Nexfibre is using telephone poles and not digging up the ground, they won't appear on the Better Internet Dashboard map.

  • I would recommend you steer very clear of Virgin Media. They are an appalling company with awful customer service and no visible complaints procedure. It’s almost impossible to speak to someone unless it’s to open an account or give them money. I would very strongly recommend you go with anyone other than Virgin Media. Have a look at the other messages and do a quick search of reviews. They offer utterly appalling service. 

    Good luck. 

    • NSX05's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Hi Kenny,

      Don't worry, I'm fully aware of everything. I'm just sick of being limited by Openreach around here. A 70 Mb/s connection just doesn't cut it in my household and Openreach isn't bothered about expanding FTTP to my area until 2026.

      The Better Internet Dashboard says that Full Fibre Ltd is planned. Of the four ISPs that are listed, IDNet is the only one that actually says "gigabit broadband coming soon."

      No idea if that's anything to do with Nexfibre now supplying this area with XGS-PON, but it's coincidental at least.