PON ID Mismatch - Failed Install
After waiting 6 months from build to being able to order I finally placed my order. The preinstall (3rd party) team turned up on the 5th Sept (less than 24hours after ordering!) and did the outside work. No issues. Virgin installer turned up on the 12th Sept to do the internal work. Got as far as checking the connection only to find that my house has been assigned one PON ID and the cabinet I'm connected to has a different PON ID. After an hour of him checking all the connections in the cabinet (they were all different to my assigned PON ID) and many phone calls, he said there was nothing he could do but mark the install as "Mismatch".
The installer was really nice, and as helpful as he could be, but ultimately he left having not done anything and not given me any clear idea of what would happen next, or when. I called pre-installations on 0800 052 1734 yesterday as it had been 24 hours with no contact (surprised; not surprised). They were nice, but unhelpful. All they could tell me was that it had been handed to "networks" the day before and that I would hear within 24-48 hours. The person I spoke to insisted that meant by the end of the 14th Sept, even though it's a Saturday. I doubt this is the case.
Who's been in this situation before? and what was your experience? How long did it take to resolve? What can I expect next? Am I going to spend weeks on the phone getting increasingly frustrated? And, no, Virgin is the only option to got off my 20Mb/4Mb connection. Openreach have decided my street is "uneconomical" and won't be rolling out any time in the next 2 years.
Also, my original install date was the 19th Sept, and that is the date on my contract. It was brought forward to the 12th Sept. Information I've read seems to say that compensation is from the contract start date, but the install failed on the 12th Sept. Where does this leave me with compensation? Is it from the 12th when the install failed? Or do I have to wait until the 19th Sept before it kicks in?