Forum Discussion

Cornelius_Smiff's avatar
5 months ago

New Connection - Utterly Shambolic Service and Constant Issues.

Had a new connection installed on August 22nd, despite swearing I would never ever use Virgin again due to their awful customer service and technical support.

But, I took the plunge after getting a good deal and being interested in the newer HUB5 and I have to say I am extremely disappointed. 2 days into service and we are having to reset the router at least 10 times a day, which by now I am sure is having no effect. A factory reset seemed to make things seem a little more stable for about 6 hours and now again intermittent drops.

It is not a WiFi issues, Ethernet devices also showing drop outs at the same time.

SSID is now back to default, so it cannot be due to them being renamed.

I hope someone can help me, because if this is not fixed within the next week they can pick up the equipment on the doorstep and we will be cancelling within the 14 day cooling off period. As much as it pains me to say, I would rather take the crappy Sky connection that is 70down and stable over the 1gig line that barely works at all. I also use this for work and I cannot afford to have something so spotty.

Annoyed isn't the word, I guess I was naive in thinking Virgin had changed. I guess not, but I want to believe they will resolve this.


  • Cardiffman282's avatar
    3 months ago

    A great read. VM would benefit from using it as a customer services/ops case study.

    If it helps all calls to VM are recorded. The link is below. 

  • Cornelius_Smiffschedule wrote:

    Had a new connection installed on August 22nd, despite swearing I would never ever use Virgin again due to their awful customer service and technical support.

    But, I took the plunge after getting a good deal and being interested in the newer HUB5 and I have to say I am extremely disappointed. 2 days into service and we are having to reset the router at least 10 times a day, which by now I am sure is having no effect. A factory reset seemed to make things seem a little more stable for about 6 hours and now again intermittent drops.

    It is not a WiFi issues, Ethernet devices also showing drop outs at the same time.

    SSID is now back to default, so it cannot be due to them being renamed.

    I hope someone can help me, because if this is not fixed within the next week they can pick up the equipment on the doorstep and we will be cancelling within the 14 day cooling off period. As much as it pains me to say, I would rather take the crappy Sky connection that is 70down and stable over the 1gig line that barely works at all. I also use this for work and I cannot afford to have something so spotty.

    Annoyed isn't the word, I guess I was naive in thinking Virgin had changed. I guess not, but I want to believe they will resolve this.

    I’m really sorry to hear about your issues with the Virgin HUB5. It’s frustrating to experience frequent connection drops, especially when relying on it for work. Given that both WiFi and Ethernet connections are affected, it seems like the problem might not be isolated to wireless interference but could be related to the router itself or the service connection.

    • Cornelius_Smiff's avatar
      Tuning in

      Yes, this was my assessment. An additional point of frustration is not knowing whether it's the router or the actual connection to the property. If it was the former, I could maybe just about fathom putting it modem modem and getting a separate router.

      Have an engineer booked for Wednesday, hoping they can find something. I really want this connection work as intended.

  • Seemed to be stable for a few days, so I cancelled the engineer. Now it's back to it's old tricks. Having to reset at least 6 times a day. This is simply unacceptable, I know how this will go. I will fall outside my 14 day cooling off period by the time someone gaslights me by proclaiming not issues can be found and I will be stuck with them for 18 months with no end of issues. I am cancelling, it is not worth the hassle. I swore I would never go with Virgin again, more fool me. Utterly dejected is not the word.

    • Ashleigh_C's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi there Cornelius_Smiff 

      Thank you so much for your post and welcome back to the community forums, it's great to have you here. 

      I am so sorry that you have faced this issue with your new account and I can understand your frustrations here. Can I just confirm have you now booked a cancellation? I would be happy to look into this issue with you if not. 

      I do need to pop you a quick private message to grab some details so we can check the Hub on our side. I will pop you a PM across now, please keep an eye out for the envelope at the top of your screen alerting you to a new message.

  • To follow up on my previous topic. We eventually had a new router given to us by an on site engineer and the internet was perfect for a month.

    Towards the end of September the same issues started happening again, i.e. cutting in and out constantly with a barely stable connection.

    Engineer came out (almost 2 weeks later) and advised "ohh I don't think it was the router then and theres no point in changing this one because its almost certainly not the issue". He did the same bread and butter stuff as the other engineer by cleaning the lines and replacing the cable from the wall to the router. He advised me to phone him if the issues happened again. 45 minutes later they happened again and I first texted him, then called. He used words to the effect of "Ohh must be something at the cabinet perhaps, I will escalate this to the 'NETWORKS' team (his words) and let you know. I heard nothing and texted him for an update (I have proof of this) and he advised there as no update but that it had been escalated. He called to say an engineer could be sent a week from that day, which I said was not acceptable given the length of time it had already taken and if he could see if there was a better option. He said he would check and get back to me. He never got back to and I called the customer service line to complain and check what the state of play was. They advised an engineer had been booked for that day (despite me not agreeing to it) and I wondered if this was as part of the escalation to the "NETWORKS" team, the agent on the phone assured me that it was, despite me being  less than convinced.

    Fast forward a few days and the engineer who never got back to me randomly called my partner and myself to advise (and these were his words or close as I can remember): "They have found there is a spliced fibre cable in the area and this is what has been causing the issues, they should starting working on this and hopefully have it fixed tomorrow" (tomorrow being the Friday), by Monday still no updates and no working internet so I called the customer service line again as the engineer was now giving total radio silence. They said oh yes, we can see you have an engineer booked to which I asked again "Are they going to be fixing this so called spliced cable?, the agent said "Yes they will come and fix that yes". I was not convinced so I asked "Is there a reference for this fault a record of the works that needs carrying out?", Their response: "errr no, nothing about that on here", so I asked again "So how do you know what work is required then?". They began to stutter and then give me a scripted sequence of slogans and what not. 


    I asked to be put through to the cancellations team and got through to a chap named Jason who was the first helpful person I had spoken to. He confirmed no record of works, but then suddenly he said "oh I can see a cable has been ordered and a repull is required.. The engineer you already have booked will be doing this". I was puzzled and asked if they were sure and if this was not in fact another one of your installations engineers that only come to check the kit and clean the lines. He assured me it was actually to do a repull. He also checked with a manager and gave us a credit of £105.00 (effectively what we had already paid in bills up to that point) and confirmed we had grounds to cancel with a full refund as well as no disconnection charges. He begged me to let the engineer visit first and if they couldnt restore services, we could still cancel and still have our refund.

    The big day arrived and as I feared it was an installations engineer that showed up with no knowledge of a "repull". He said there wasnt a lot he could do and that I would need to contact Virgin again. I did and spoke to another chap whose name I cannot recall, who said he cannot see anything about a repull or any faults in the area but he would check with the area manager and get back to me. He tried calling once and I was not in the room and didnt leave a message. I called back and spoke to a scottish lady who advised the notes from the previous chap were "No update at the moment, tried calling customer" and that was it. So I asked her what was happening and if she could confirm if their were works planned or what was happening with mythological "repull". She said nothing on the system and that sort of work was not carried out by Virgin engineers but rather the comms contractor 'Kelly..' something. To have this done a  "Work Order' needed raising but the earliest would be October 29th (two weeks later) and at this point I just told them to cancel as this was unacceptable. I work from home and have had to lose several days pay because of it and now we are using a Three 5G Broadband service just to get internet (its very good and would recommend it over Virgin any day). She did advise that if I cancelled, the work order would be cancelled which made no sense to me because surely it was affecting more than just us. So I asked if we kept the account open and let this "Work Order" happen can I still cancel after this time, because I wanted the work to be carried out. She advised that because we would effectively have no working internet, this would be taken into account and we would still be eligible for our full refund if we wanted it after this work was carried out.

    I am sure you can guess what happened when October 29th rolled around? Absolutely nothing happened. I called yesterday and there is no record of a work order or anything having been done. I lost my temper and just told them to cancel and issue the refund. The lady I spoke with said we would be charged early disconnection, to which I reminded her that we were told we could cancel without. Apparently no notes were on the system to this effect and she would have to check with her manager who was not available until tomorrow (the 31st). I advised not to cancel until we could officially confirm that no fees would be payable, because I was worried (due to their track record) that virgin would **bleep** it up and cancel but not take any fees off. I was therefore ready to wait to hear from the manager and cancel once we had 100% confirmation of no fees.

    I get a text this morning. "We are sorry to hear you are leaving us" basically confirming cancellation, despite me not actually officially asking for it yet. The agent never called me back.

    So I spoke to ANOTHER person in the cancellations team who advised it has been put through to be cancelled and NO fees would be payable. I asked about the refund and once again "I can see no notes and I do not think you are eligible". So now I am having to wait for another call back that will never happen to confirm yet another thing we were promised would be happening.

    Virgin are a disgrace and should not be allowed to trade with such disregard for customer service. There is a reason I swore I would never go back to Virgin and the reason is stuff like this. It was bad before, but this is another level.

    All we wanted was working internet and they couldn't really provide it. My question to them would be, what was the actual fault. Was it even a thing, did it exist? Is it not just a cabling problem to my property? Maybe (and this wouldnt surprise me) we just need another new router?

    Sorry for the novel and even worse grammar, but I had to vent somewhere. 

    • Cardiffman282's avatar
      Trouble shooter

      A great read. VM would benefit from using it as a customer services/ops case study.

      If it helps all calls to VM are recorded. The link is below. 

      • Cornelius_Smiff's avatar
        Tuning in

        Thanks guys,

        Appreciate the support and advice.

        Spoilers: They didn't call back today at all. So another call tomorrow.

        I think what annoys me the most and I am actually convinced this will be the case, it's probably something really tiny and silly like perhaps just needing another router. The service was good when it worked, the speeds were amazing.

        It's difficult to fathom how they can be even worse than they used to be, but they are. From top to bottom, there is no care, communication or basic customer service. They are an ironic ISP, because they do not provide internet, they so not provide a service and in fact they do not provide much of anything except hassle and inconvenience. I am so lucky my boss and my job are understanding. I was effectively unable to work for 3 weeks. My company has no head office, there is no where I can take my big work PC as an alternative. Luckily, the 5g on my phone was justg about stable enough to give me a few hours day. I now have a three 5G router and its been flawless.

  • Called today and apparently they know nothing about a planned callback (again!) and they said they would check again (again!) and that someone will 100% call me back tomoww (again!).

    At what point do I consider this to be just a massive episode of PUNKD? This is beyond a farce now. My services have been cancelled and I would not bother if not for the fact that Virgin now owe us £100.00.

    • Matthew_ML's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hey Cornelius_Smiff, thank you for reaching out and I am so sorry to hear you've been having some connection issues.

      I can see my colleague did send you a DM, however there was no response, did you see this?

      Did you manage to get a call back at all over the weekend?

      How has the connection been over the weekend?

      • Cornelius_Smiff's avatar
        Tuning in


        The original DM was received before the very first engineer came out (the one who came out to change the router and where the net seemed to work for about 4 weeks). 

        No callback at all (surprise surprise)

        The connection no longer exists and Virgin have already asked for the kit back.

        Interesting since, I never officially asked for it to be cancelled and even if I had I am pretty sure we have a 30 day period until it is disconnected. So this only makes me more upset because we are still due a refund (NOT A CREDIT!) of at least £105.00. This was promised when I first spoke to the disconnections team who said "We will apply a credit, but if you cancel this will be a refund instead. Since we have had no working services at all since then the subsequently agents confirmed this would still be honoured". 

        So where is our refund?

        We are very upset because we also now have a hole in our wall wiring around the outside of the house that we no longer need. Will virgin remimburse for any repairs?

        I am even more annoyed because I believe that it's the router that is the issue and if the second engineer had just replaced it again, none of this would have happened. What's even more worrying is that at no point have Virgin acknowledged there ever being a "spliced cabled", which is what we were told was the issue after all by the second engineer (who then failed to follow up as promised and started this merry dance of not knowing what the hell is going on) and called us to say so.

        We will be going to the ombudsman and possibly legal action as we believe we are due far more compensation that just money we paid for the billing. I had loss of income due to being unable to work properly and as I said before there is now damage to our property for no apparent reason. 


  • -tony-'s avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    call backs - a simple truth - they do not call back - its simply a method of them ending the call as resolved at their end - how that leaves you is of no interest to them

    if you are free of them and the £100 is compensation owing then the choice is yours - go to the arbitration or write it off as investment in your sanity to not have to deal with this company ever again

  • goslow's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Certainly one of the more extreme stories on here of VM's bungling and incompetent customer service.

    If you have not done so already, get a formal complaint in to VM (a required first step before arbitration but likely to only result in more VM pantomime and no useful outcome for you).

    After that, escalate to the ombudsman

    The automatic compensation scheme covers periods with a 'total loss of service' on broadband and/or phone

    You'll need to work out and document when those were, allowing for VM's 2 working day window to fix a fault first of all.

    You may need to use a DSAR to get call recordings and other comm's as evidence

    180 day retention period on call recordings

    There's a useful post here from someone who went through the ombudsman process with suggestions on how to prepare/submit a case (in this case for an installation)

    The auto comp scheme doesn't cover loss of earnings and property damage (and I don't think the ombudsman will cover these either) but the ombudsman can add on a (small) additional figure beyond auto comp for 'time and trouble'.

    Good luck.

    • Cornelius_Smiff's avatar
      Tuning in


      Still no joy on a callback or any information about a refund. Services were apparently totally cut off on November 1st but the juice still seems to be running on billing despite having £105.00 credit present.

      I have been PMed by someone so maybe that will bear fruit.

      Not able to make a complaint because the website doesnt exist/won't load. Not surprised at this stage. The overwhelming feeling is akin to mild heartbreak, the connection was perfect when it worked. I loved it, the kids loved it and the TV was very popular in our house. Silly us for having the temerity to expect our internet to be stable and for any faults to be fixed, or at least acknowledged or at least acknowledged they existed in the first place. Pretty shocking to have an engineer tell us matter of fact there is a spliced cable and for nobody outside of this to have any record of it, other than to lie repeatedly that it was being fixed only to be told by the next agent there was no record of it.


  • Hi,

    More drama, the agent who PMed us is saying the number we have registered on the account is not valid and it has failed the security check. I suspect this is the same issue I had when phoning, they seem to have two different numbers registered, one being the correct on that is my partners (as originally registered) and then mine which was used to make most of the angry calls. Weirdly at intermittent points agents have accepted one or the other. When I tried to give both during the security check via the PM, they refused to accept this and so I have what is the CORRECT registered number which they have also rejected. I now have to jump through more hoops and it seems they updated the contact number without our consent.

    The best part is, their advice is now to "Give us a call". Wow, if only I had known that. Because looking back at this thread it's evident I have tried everything except "CALLING". This is soul destroying.