Forum Discussion

DeborahForum's avatar
On our wavelength
11 months ago

Keep Hub5 from old account and remove new Hub3 ?

Hi ive started a new post on this subject as I haven’t had a response from a Virgin Employee on my other post which I’m hoping to do please.

Up until last week, March 31st, we had M250 18 month contract package in my partners name, during the initial setup we had WiFi issues back on this connection and a technician swapped us from the Hub3 to the Hub5 which has been perfect ever since.

2 days ago we started our new contract under my name, (we were advised to do it this way by Virgin Media salesman to get the best price) 

Same M250 package, I did ask when siginging for the new package about keeping the Hub5 due to the previous issues and was told Virgin only send out Hub4’s and Hub5’s, clearly this was incorrect as we’ve been sent a Hub3, with a new router - the Hub3 , we instantly have WiFi issues (Ethernet is fine) basically it can’t reach the rooms downstairs - we can sit on one side of the sofa and get WiFi (not great speeds though) and move to the other end of the sofa and get nothing, unfortunately this also means the Amazon firestick can’t get a speed over 3Mbps (we got over 100Mbps with the Hub5) so we get constant buffering, and no home screen message with no WiFi at all at times.

We consistently got speeds of over 200Mbps on the old Hub5 all over the home, we now have spots where get no connection and where we do get WiFi the speeds are between 3Mbps and 15Mbps.

The hub5 from the old contract is sat upstairs, unplugged, can I please ask a Technician re-configure the Hub5 to work with the new connection and fix my issue? As it is tried and tested and will sort this issue, also will save me lots of time with phone calls to Virgin explaining this.

Thank you


  • as you have found out staff here cannot help - infact reading the post above it suggests that they dont even bother to read the thread 

    imo your only option is to start the cancellation process - that may concentrate minds and get someone to activate the hub5 rather than let you leave - but be aware you have 14 days only from the time the account went active to give notice - from that point you can then negotiate with them to get what you want or leave

    as to the Virgin salesman he/she has one object in mind - to sign you up and get whatever commission that gives - lies - mistruths - exaggeration of whats possible is normal as long as you sign - from other posts on here they then disappear like summer snow when what they promise is not part of the deal - if they gave you a contact number you can try that but expect nothing and you wont be disappointed 

  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    I suspect that VM are on the lookout for people trying to save money by cancelling a contract and starting another with a new customer discount. It breaks their marketing policy.  

    You may still be lucky but it does look like you have been caught out. 


    • DeborahForum's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Its a bit much if that is true as the whole idea was thought up and carried out by a Virgin Salesman.

      If its going to cause me to make lots of calls again and have lots of engineer visits again I will just cancel and move to another supplier, I cant bring myself to go through the exact same thing again. Especially as I have a perfectly good Hub 5 sat there doing nothing. 

  • -tony-'s avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    as you have found out staff here cannot help - infact reading the post above it suggests that they dont even bother to read the thread 

    imo your only option is to start the cancellation process - that may concentrate minds and get someone to activate the hub5 rather than let you leave - but be aware you have 14 days only from the time the account went active to give notice - from that point you can then negotiate with them to get what you want or leave

    as to the Virgin salesman he/she has one object in mind - to sign you up and get whatever commission that gives - lies - mistruths - exaggeration of whats possible is normal as long as you sign - from other posts on here they then disappear like summer snow when what they promise is not part of the deal - if they gave you a contact number you can try that but expect nothing and you wont be disappointed 

    • DeborahForum's avatar
      On our wavelength

      You are correct, I’ve been messed around for 3 days, I’ve got nothing from this whole experience. 
      it’s almost as if I’m being taunted, with the lack of response, they get back to you eventually and ask all sorts of confirmation on the account, then as soon as I ask about my issue, SILENCE.

      This forum is a complete waste of everyone’s time, I’m not being a troll or unreasonable, I’m just stating a fact.

      I’ve been confirming who I am all day via messages and still no answer or response. I really do mean ALL DAY.

      people who don’t work for a virgin chip in with incorrect information which wastes peoples time,

      Virgin employees take 2 to 3 days to get involved, then when they do, unless it’s anything other than the simplest of issues, spend their time asking people like me, who are asking for help, to confirm this, confirm that over and over hours in between each message , then go silent.

      other than whittling away at peoples mental health what use us this forum?


      • -tony-'s avatar
        Alessandro Volta

        you need to take the initiative as far as you are able as all you will get is more of the same - as i suggested earlier your next step should be to give your 30 days notice - thats if they actually take it on board should start something - the agent you speak to wll likely try to talk you out of it - thats your opening to get the hub5 activated but if its offered get them to do it whilst you are on the phone - any promise of later or a call back is pie in the sky - it wont happen

        if they accept your notice then a call from retentions is likely and again you can push for the hub 5 to be activated

        but the bottom line if you go the 30day route is that you might have to leave 

        there is one other route and thats via the CEO's office - its not that just a higher level team who have been known to resolve issues - but again you have to start it and you need to find the email address - it cannot be posted here - just search for VM CEO email address and go from there

  • DeborahForum's avatar
    On our wavelength


    the issues are..I wasn’t listened too, I was made to feel like I’m trying to get something for nothing and I was told things that are simply wrong. I’ve been on 5 days with this….I spent an entire day, yes, an entire day messaging back, name, address, account number, bank details, bill details and so much more to pass security, I was then given information back - so I clearly passed security checks (why wouldn’t I) the very next day I’m being told I failed the security check’s yesterday so I need to start over. Utter nonsense.

    then I’m being told “sorry you find this confusing’… I’m not confused at all, I know exactly what’s going on.

    to make matters worse, it couldn’t have been any simpler, the Hub3 was proven to not be strong enough for my property 18 months ago after 5 - yes 5 Virgin engineers tried to get the Hub 3 and the Hub 4 to give adequate WiFi for my home, they couldn’t, they decided to upgrade to the Hub 5 and hey presto full speed WiFi all over the home. And it was great for 18 months until I was forced to change it back to the Hub 3 when we took out a new contract and guess what…. Poor WiFi from the Hub 3 (yes it may work in certain homes but not mine, I wish it did but it doesn’t) …. I simply asked if they could be swapped back…. That’s it…. Simple…. Common sense, put the Hub 5 back just like the 5 Virgin engineers told me to do 18 months ago.

    so why all this hassle, why am I being told the Hub 3 I have is perfectly fine? Why am I being stalled by Virgin saying I haven’t passed security checks (that took all day remember!)  when I actually did.

    I have hated every second of this process, I just wanted a simple fix, and I knew what the simple fix was but I needed Virgin to carry it out, why did you make it this hard and frustrating? 

  • -tony-'s avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    its all a game - i dont think its planned - that would take original thought which is something most of VM is not capable of but what they are doing quite well is running down the 14 day clock - as i have said no one on here will help they cannot - its far too difficult for them - offshore will not understand what you actually want as simple as it is and add to that if you do convince someone to sort out a hub5 its likely they will need to send you a new one - yes i know you have one but the system will not allow that to be reconnected on a different account until its been back to them 

    if you cannot convince the CEO's office to do what you want you only have the option of telling someone to stick their service - other wise known as giving 30 days notice and going back to my opening the clock is ticking - go past 14 days and they will do even less than now - like i said you need to take the imitative and whist posting on here might seem that you are doing that its is not - staff are ignoring you - thats deliberate imo

    • Kennewby's avatar
      Up to speed

      They did indeed revert the connection back to as it was previously on Friday, I knew this as the internet went off completely, I took out the Hub 3 and plugged the Hub5 back in, logged in with the old password…and wallop! Full speed WiFi all over my home 270Mbps download speeds in every corner of every room! 
      Im pleased, really pleased, but wow, I’ve been treated like I was asking for the world, just to get this Hub 5 back on the connection. 
      It shouldn’t have been like this, I could understand if I was demanding a new Hub5 be sent out just cos I fancied one, but that was not the case, it was proven many times (by Virgin engineers) that the Hub3 just wasn’t suitable for my home (I wish it was to save me going through this) and I already had the Hub5 here at home, I thought it was going to be quick and simple.

      Wow, it was not.

      But all is well at the moment to be fair.

      • DeborahForum's avatar
        On our wavelength

        I’m now being overcharged and the Virgin salesman has gone silent who set this contract up.

        I have an official email showing the recurring discount which has not been added to my contract for an unknown reason ], hence I’m overpaying. 

        Im now left to sort another issue.

        it shouldn’t be like this, we put ourselves in the hands of Virgin sales and we had issues with the hub which I had to sort myself which was a nightmare (virgin treated me like I was being untruthful for some reason, but after a nightmare of back n forth it was sorted) but, now I’m overpaying and again the Virgin salesman is no where to be seen.

        what’s the quickest and most stress free way to get this sorted?

  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    What did you mean by a 'recurring discount'? 

    You rejoined VM under a new name, to get a new customer discount. Were you expecting to get a discount from your previous contract as well?

    You've done very well already to get around the rules on rejoining as a new user, and then again to get use of a Hub5 that wasn't available for the new contract.

    Don't you think you've got enough out of VM already? 

    • DeborahForum's avatar
      On our wavelength

      I didn’t do anything, a Virgin employee thought this up, recommended it to me and put it all in place. Obviously this is a new contract so I’m not sure why you ask me if I expect to carry on the same discount? One contract ended, another started I wouldn’t expect anything to carry over? You are just making things up.

      I was told by a Virgin employee that the hub 5 would be simple to reactivate, as the Hub 3 WiFi signal was proven to not be strong enough for my home by 4 different Virgin technicians, again nothing to do with me.

      I put myself in the hands of Virgin employees, trusted them, and now someone like you guesses things and accuses me of things that are completely wrong.

      id like to politely ask you to refrain from commenting on my threads on this issue as you are simple trying to provoke anger, by making up nonsense, believing it to be true for some unknown reason, and posting nonsense.

      You come across as someone who is angry at the world, and believes whatever pops into your mind without any facts to back it up, maybe put your device away for a while and go for a walk.

      • -tony-'s avatar
        Alessandro Volta

        DeborahForum wrote:

        I didn’t do anything, a Virgin employee thought this up, recommended it to me and put it all in place. Obviously this is a new contract so I’m not sure why you ask me if I expect to carry on the same discount? One contract ended, another started I wouldn’t expect anything to carry over? You are just making things up.

        I was told by a Virgin employee that the hub 5 would be simple to reactivate, as the Hub 3 WiFi signal was proven to not be strong enough for my home by 4 different Virgin technicians, again nothing to do with me.

        I put myself in the hands of Virgin employees, trusted them, and now someone like you guesses things and accuses me of things that are completely wrong.

        id like to politely ask you to refrain from commenting on my threads on this issue as you are simple trying to provoke anger, by making up nonsense, believing it to be true for some unknown reason, and posting nonsense.

        You come across as someone who is angry at the world, and believes whatever pops into your mind without any facts to back it up, maybe put your device away for a while and go for a walk.

        what you say is correct but you need to factor in/accept that many who post/help on here know how VM work - you accepted [rightly] in good faith what you were being told by a VM salesman - ok so far - but that salesman is driven by greed for commission and VM's culture to lie to achieve what they want

        you were not to know that and [rightly] believed what was said to obtain the sale - in the end by taking your complain to the CEO's office?? you got what was offered 

        BUT and imo it matters the original offer was wrong its outside VM's policy of new customer take up - its good that they honoured the offer - [again imo] you were extremely fortunate for it to work as it did so in this case credit to VM

        like jpeg1 i know how VM works in many areas and agree with him

  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    I'll just leave one final thought. If something is too good to be true, it probably is. Particularly if it's offered by a sales person on commission. 

    Very happy to leave you to it now. Have a lovely day! 

  • DeborahForum's avatar
    On our wavelength

    I simply agreed and signed on the dotted line for a service and a price given by Virgin. 

    I have the paperwork.

    The fact that salesmen are greedy etc. isn't really my issue. 

    I've had to spend a lot of my time chasing for what I paid for, to suggest Virgin have done me a favour is nonsense.

    I'm stressed to bits chasing this lot up, I have the paperwork, I'll just start a small claims case and be done with it. 

    I would suggest people on here refrain from telling let down customers that sales people will just say anything to get business and we as customers should just put up with it.

    • Sabrina_B's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi DeborahForum 👋.

      Thanks for reaching out to us and apologies for the Issues that you have been facing with your account, so that we can look Into this further, could you please Join me In a private message. Please look out for the envelope on the top right of your web browser or if you are using a mobile device, it will be located under your profile icon.

