If you had a previous connection at the property, you should have had the option when ordering for a 'Quick Start' kit (where VM sends you the equipment and you are supposed to connect it yourself to the existing cabling).
Have you got the pavement covers in front of your home as below (shapes, sizes and branding may vary or be marked CATV)?
Is there a cable emerging from the pavement that you can see or any sign of a cable over ground in a plastic conduit?
Have you got any plastic wall boxes on the outside wall of your home connected to a cable from the street (again shapes, sizes, colours and branding may vary)?
Do you have any sign of past VM installations inside (wall boxes may vary in style and may be branded with the logo of an old cable TV company)?
If you do need a cable installing, the work is generally sub-contracted out by VM. VM generally tries to avoid lifting block paving it would seem. The contractors typically try to find the easiest/quickest route for the cable (might be dug into lawn, laid on the surface in a green conduit, clipped to a wall or fence etc.)
In the newest installations (a minority) VM has been using BT infrastructure such as ducts an poles to install fibre connections.