How accomodating are the installers about where the cable goes?
Hi all,
I will finally be installed next week hopefully, the outside brown box is now all wired up. I was wondering how accomodating the installers are? I want to get the equipment in the cupboard under the the stairs, I've uploaded a shoddy paint drawing of the basic top down layout of my bottom floor.
The red box drawn on the outside end terrace wall is where the pre-installation contractors have put the brown box. The dark red line is my proposed path, it would go along the outside wall, and in under the floorboards in the kitchen, and into the cupboard coming up on the other side of the wall.
Would the installer be fine with coming in under the floorboards? also how flexible is the fibre? (I'm on the XGS-PON network) can it be routed around skirting boards etc? anything I can do to make this easier for them coming on the day?