Delayed Install Credit
There was a delay installing my services (VM issue). It's been up and running a couple of weeks and I hadn't heard anything about the automatic (lol) compensation. So, I got in contact with VM yesterday and a bit of back and forth the agent told me my account had been credited. I did get an email confirming a credit had been applied, but it did not confirm the amount (that's what I was arguing with VM about).
The email says it could take up to 72 hours. Where can I view the credit once it is applied? I'm sceptical that the correct amount has been applied and want to be able to check it. When I look in the billing area all I see is the current bill. That bill was generated several days ago and isn't due to be taken from my account for over 2 weeks.
Thanks for working with me via our private messaging function georox123, and pleased to have this one sorted for you in a timely manner.
Do feel free to come back to me if you require any further assistance with your services and hope you're pleased to be part of our network and indeed out Community Forums!
All the best 👍