Forum Discussion

CombsyCM's avatar
Tuning in
8 months ago

Anyone help with my installation issues? Let me order without actually being available

I ordered VM online 12th June and was given an installation date of 24th June. Comex2000 come out and told us that there's no cable to the house. The 24th June then become the 28th June. Then the  9th July. On Monday I receiver a call saying we can't do the 9th but someone will be in touch. 


Today I called the pre installation team who told me my order has been cancelled (shows active on my account) and that I've just "registered my interest"  

Yet I've got a "pending" installation on my account, but the man on the phone said this can be anytime in days to months. When they install the cable, I need to make a "new order"


Stupidly I gave notice to sky to cancel (since revoked and ill go to a rolling contract) 


What actually are my options now? 

My account states:


Your agreement started Tuesday 9th July 2024

Contract start date:9th July 2024




Then gives me my account number etc 


  • You should get compensation for the delayed installation. Link is below. Don't accept any fob offs. 

    • CombsyCM's avatar
      Tuning in

      It doesn't tell me how to claim. Assuming over the phone?

      • Cardiffman282's avatar
        Trouble shooter

        Phoning will only complicate matters further. Maybe the forum team will be able to look into the wider situation for you. 

  • goslow's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Was 24 June 2024 your 'activation' date (the VM blurb usually mentions something about a tech coming to install equipment)? Or was 24 June 2024 the date when the sub-contractor first came to install a cable?

    • CombsyCM's avatar
      Tuning in

      Yes. Engineer to install. I've just had this via email so I'm guessing I can't be a customer. 

      Checking the account we can see that the install has been cancelled sadly, this is due to the additional work that would be needed to provide the service to your home that we weren't aware of at the time. Our apologies for any inconvenience caused by this, we would've loved to have been able to have you with us, at this time, it is unfortunately not possible.

      • goslow's avatar
        Alessandro Volta

        VM's compensation rules are here

        (It is a badly mangled mashup of the OFCOM compensation rules so the paragraph numbering often does not make sense)

        Read through the bit 'Limit on Payments 32. '

        If 24 June was your activation date (the 'date initially confirmed in writing' when VM said it was going to 'activate' your services), and VM failed to install on that date, that would be the start of when any credits become due.

        If VM then decided that they were not going to install because of costs, they can decline to install and issue you you with a 'cease notice' that they will no longer be paying you compensation. But they can't issue the 'cease notice' until 30 days after your activation date and must then continue to pay you for a further 30 days beyond that.

        So, by my reckoning, they should owe you 60 days compensation at £6.10 per day.

        There are many topics on here where VM tries to dodge paying what it owes under the auto-comp scheme (with a range of dubious excuses and offers of much smaller 'goodwill' payments).

        Inevitably this requires a formal complaint to VM first of all (which will most likely result in a fob-off) but it then allows you to go to the ombudsman via the timescales and processes here

        VM relies heavily on the fact that many people will just give up and go away without a fuss but a complaint to the ombudsman costs you nothing other than time and effort and the majority of outcomes do find in favour of the customer.

        Here is a similar delayed installation topic where the customer persisted against VM's excuses and got a favourable outcome. The OP tireduser1 has posted some very useful feedback on advice on how to go about the process

        Good luck!

  • At this time, sadly yes, we cannot complete your installation so this will not go ahead. Hopefully we'll be able to install you in the future, but at this time the address has been marked as unserviceable.
    The account has never been active and as such there is nothing further to close down, as the installs have already been cancelled. You can use these messages as your confirmation of this.