Forum Discussion

11w6's avatar
Tuning in
4 months ago

VM changed my Netflix to Netflix with Ads without permission


I recently agreed to a new contract which specifically stated it would be exactly the same package as my previous package but with a jump in price from ~£75 to £90.08.

I have multiple emails of proof of the contract I agreed to. I thought all was done and dusted...

On 22/10/24, I got an email from Virgin Media saying "Thanks for making those changes" when I had NOT made any changes, and it states I have changed from Netflix Standard to Netflix Standard with Ads - and that I had been sent a new contract. My account now says this is my contract and says that I have "agreed" to it which is NOT TRUE. I did not agree to this contract.

I would like my previous contract re-instated, the one I agreed to, but I seem to be getting nowhere when contacting Virgin Media.

I then tried to submit a complaint and I got a wishy-washy response and it says if I want to respond to the complaint I have to scan a QR code (which is not a useful method of following a link on a laptop) however, when following the QR code, it takes me to the old WhatsApp messaging service so I don't see how I can reply to the complaint?

I'm really disappointed - should I put up more of a fuss? I've been with Virgin since broadband day 1 (NTL) and always recommend them to friends but I feel really let down. The VM announcement about Netflix with Ads is that it would only be given to new customers so I don't know why I have been downgraded and still paying the same amount...

  • Hey 11w6, thank you for reaching out and a warm welcome to the community I am so sorry to hear about your package issue.

    Just to confirm, you did change your package to exactly the same as you are currently on?

    This email you got 22/10/24 was this not for that change, or to confirm again does it state a totally different price / products.

    Is the only different it states Netflix with ads instead of Netflix without ads?

  • Hi Matt

    > Just to confirm, you did change your package to exactly the same as you are currently on?
    Correct yes - I agreed to the new contract and confirmed it to be the exact same package. I was also provided the agreed contract by email.

    > This email you got 22/10/24 was this not for that change, or to confirm again does it state a totally different price / products.
    On the 22nd, I got an email saying "Thanks for making those changes" email which includes a new contract, when I had not made any changes. The new contract is NOT what I agreed to and is NOT exactly the same package as before. 

    It seems like the original agreed contract has been completely disregarded.

    > Is the only different it states Netflix with ads instead of Netflix without ads?
    Package-wise, as far as I can see... Except it says that I was be paying £0.00 / mo so something has messed up there and can't confirm the prices are the same. The email does contain the same monthly price though...

    • Matthew_ML's avatar
      Forum Team

      Thank you for confirming this,

      If Netflix is stating £0.00 this means you would get this included with the package, was you normally paying for it separate? 

      Is everything else the same on the contact apart from this then just to be 100% here? 

      • 11w6's avatar
        Tuning in

        Apologies, the entire contract says £0.00 - i can't confirm if the contract is identical as it's not got any prices unless I'm now paying £0.00.

        I can share snippets of the original agreed contract and the new not agreed contract, minus personal details. You can see the package contents are the same but they appear in didn't places - so I can't really say it's exactly the same? Plus the price error and Netflix change...

        Here's the contract I agreed to, it was offered through the app as a renewal offer:


        Then 10 days later I get this

  • Hi, I have had exactly the same problem and a long phone call to the contact centre today has got me nowhere as I was passed from one operative to another with nobody wanting to sort the problem out. How do I get my Netflix standard without ads reinstated?