Renewal Contract Issues
I was offered an online renewal contract (which I accepted) at the beginning of April (18 months) as my contract was coming to an end. The price was pretty much the same as I was paying, possibly just a touch more (but I felt this was reasonable). I accepted the contract and then continued to be bombarded by emails from Virgin letting me know that the contract was ending and I would be paying the un-discounted (very) high rate. I contacted Virgin, they assured me it would be resolved (it wasn’t). What proceeded over the course of 6 weeks, was me continually contacting Virgin to get them to honour the contract they offered me, I even tolerated not having TNT Sports anymore as part of the package, and have found staff to be completely unhelpful. I have been assured by no less than 3 customer service (if it can be referred to as that) representatives that the issue will be solved in 7 days. It has not been resolved, and I continue to get excessive bills, waste my time contacting customer service (who will never put me through to management with decision making powers) and constantly given the run around. Has anyone got any advice because I am done with this! (Have contacted the Comms Ombudsman to register a complaint).