2 years agoTuning in
No support from Customer services
Had this issue since two days after I accepted the contract. The speed I paid for was the 300+, all I got was ~50 -60. After numerous chats and calls to and fro ove thte last18 months. I complained to the ombudsman who found it favour of VM. The issu they investigated was that VM did not supply the speed I paid for. However the the issue I complained about was that the speed out of the modem was less that i paid for. All i asked was for a replacement for the modem. They did replace it once, but I was not at home to confirm. Still waiting for VM to change my modem and confirm I am getting th epseed I am payin for out of the modem!
Worst Customer service, among all BB providers, and I thought XLN and BT were bad unitl VM.