Contract re-negotiation Issues -- AGAIN!
I have just spent an hour on the phone to Customer Relations trying to re-negotiate my contract
After an hour of saying I was not willing to pay any more than I was just now the person I spoke to eventually came back with a deal of £90 a month for everything excactly the same as I have at the moment, including the 02 unlimited SIM. Which was within £5 of what I am paying just now, so I agreed
On sending the contract documents over we got disconnected, and he did not call back as he said he would if we got disconnected,
The package price he has sent over does not include the 02 sim card, and so is vastly more expensive than we agreed,
Really angry at this as I asked him 5 times very clearly if this included the 02 sim price, and asked him to confirm there was no additional charges to 02.
It also appears that the price does not include Netflix Premium as I also asked him to also confirm
Why is it like this every time with Virgin Media, I had to come onto the forum the last time (18 Months ago) for almost exactly the same issue,
Can one of the Forum team please assist me with this as cant face another hour on the phone for Virgin to get it wrong again.