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Anyone know the remote code to allow a V6 remote to control the volume on a new TCL C805 TV please?

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Just bought a new TCL C805 TV and have spent a good while trying to get my V6 remote to control the volume on my new TV. Even tried the 0999 code and then spent 10 minutes pressing the 'channel up' key every 2 seconds in the hope the TV would turn off but alas it didn't.

Just asking in case anyone has managed to find the elusive code!

And before anyone suggests it, 0398 doesn't work.

Thanks in advance guys 🙂


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi garyarnott 

The codes 0436 and 0365 have been known to work with some TCL TV's in the past.

TCL also make Thomson TV's so it's possible that one of their codes may work. 

The following codes are copy pasted from the /VMTiVo TV Remote Code List 2012_11.pdf  (Sorry I aren't aware of a more recent edition)

THOMSON 0008 0024 0026 0049 0064 0074 0101 0134 0152 0165 0181
0182 0186 0196 0218 0230 0233 0237 0321 0424 0436 0462
0603 0604 0827


I don't work for Virgin Media.
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