Cancel Contract help please
Can anyone assist please, either forum members or a Virgin Rep.
I had over an hr web chat the other day about potentially renewing my contract after many years with Virgin as it terminates in less than a month.
The choice of package combinations to choose within reasonable parameters of cost are ludicrous. Their bundling dynamic algorithmic system has design aspects compatible with human psychology or behavioral proclivities!
They couldn't sort out a package I was content with, hence jumping ship. I just rang the two listed phone numbers, dead as door nail.
Can anyone chip how I should proceed other than webchat? Happy for an agent to pick it up from here.
Thanks peeps.
If you already have 5G mobile as a fall-back, you could put in your cancellation to VM and wait and see what happens. Some have reported getting a much better offer after the cancellation went in. Others have cancelled and then never heard from VM again. Such is the randomness of outcomes with VM. Having marketing options switched on in 'My VM' is required to allow a retentions call-back. So, if you do put in a cancellation, you need to be prepared to follow through and leave if no retentions call-back comes.
Similar-sounding story to your own here, with an eventual resolution that suited the customer.
If you do cancel, and if you do happen to get a retentions call-back, VM offers tend to be 'of the moment' so it is best to have done your research on alternative providers and have that info at your fingertips so you will know how good any future VM offer might be compared to your alternatives.