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V6 v's V360

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I am currently using V6, but have been offered V360 through upgrade. Therefore is it better to change or just let sleeping dogs lie  😴 


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

V6 > TV360 is no more an upgrade than moving between Apple & Android is. It is a conversion from one TV software platform to another.

There have been numerous past threads discussing the differences, but V6 is an excellent recording product with a very good streaming option added on - although without the most recent app releases.

TV360 is designed for the online-world from the ground up, with recording added for the UK market. If there's any specific aspects you're interested in, then do ask away - otherwise use the forum's search function and read through the multiple previous threads!

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Stay as you are. Its very much a downgrade as you'll lose many Tivo functions.

  VM are keen on it as it means they'll save money on Tivo licences  It's an 'upgrade' to their profits, nothing else. 

On our wavelength

I say stay.  I moved and wished that I hadn't.  V6 is much more user friendly especially when it comes to recording.  In my opinion 360 is more clunky.

Rising star

I think Japitts is spot on, it's not an upgrade it is literally moving to a different format and the Apple/Android analogy is a very good one.

I personally really like the 360 format, it just works for me and the way I watch TV. 

I do get the criticisms from other users, but it's a personal choice.