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Recorded programme Issue

Dialled in


Recently had an issue that when I playback certain programmes it starts at the end of the recording, I have to then press watch again numerous times before it plays normally.

Hope this makes sense


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @Leedsgooner thanks for your post here in the Community, although we're sorry to hear of the concerns you've raised here regarding your playback. 

That is strange, it's unclear what could be causing this issue for you, is this only on a specific few recordings and if so, are they live events for example?

Many thanks


Tuning in

I am having exactly the same problem. It is very annoying as it doesnt happen all of the time and I have on a couple of occasions deleted the programme thinking that I have already watched it. Mine appears to be on normal TV programmes not live events. The recording starts at the end and the box to Delete/Keep pops up on screen. Started doing this about 6 weeks ago! 

Hi mark53c,

Thank you for reaching out to us in our community and welcome back,  sorry to hear you are facing issues with recorded programmes which is intermittent, which box do you have?



Tuning in

I'm having this same issue, I posted in the V6 forum initially but here's what I'm seeing.
This is happening 80% of times when I try to play back a long live sport recording.
When I try and play back a recording the recording position jumps to the end of the recording. I see the "Delete or Keep" message but the video is playing from the start of the recording.
I cannot FF or pause but when I rewind it rewinds from the end of the recording.
After rewinding and fast-forwarding a few times and exiting out of the recording it will recover and play from the start as usual with the correct position.
This usually happens on a long live TV sports recording like the NFL or football where I have added an extra hour on the end to catch any extra time.
It can also happen when playing a current recording and selecting "Watch from start". The progress bar and playing position jumps to the end of the recording, as in the current live time.
I'll catch it on video and try and upload it here, although I only have an iphone as well so...

Tuning in

I was able to reproduce this and took a video, however there is no way to attach a video on this chat without creating an online URL?
How do we just add an attachment?

There is another chat discussing this which was moved from the V6 forum.
Solved: Recording playback jumps to the end of the recordi... - Virgin Media Community - 5428464

Tuning in

I created a YouTube channel to share the video.

Hey dalodge, thank you for reaching out and a warm welcome to the community I am so sorry to hear about this.

Is this just on a sporting event if so which sports events is it as some do not allow you to record it.

Also is this happening with shows like a drama for example? 

Matt - Forum Team

New around here?

Hi, thanks for the response.
I've seen it mainly on sporting events as that is mostly what I record and watch, however I have tried other recordings and have seen the same issue.
There is no particular genre of recording that it happens on.

Hi, can you upload the recording as an attachment please? We can then investigate further. 

Best wishes.

Forum Team

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