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How about an option in Setup to check for software updates?

On our wavelength

Over the last three days any attempt to start an APP has led to a black TV screen.

I've re booted several times but without any change. I factory reset the box only to find it installing an update.

It'd be a lot easier if there was an option in Setup to check for, and install such updates.



Hi @Poor_Dog 👋.

Thanks for reaching out to us, sorry to hear you are having app issues. Have you checked all settings with the TV bx and your TV to compensate for the HDMI cabling that you are using as with incorrect settings can cause image delay. Once complete, if the issue remains please respond to the private message I have sent you.

Please look out for the envelope on the top right of your web browser or if you are using a mobile device, it will be located under your profile icon.



