2 weeks ago
My remote just died, no deterioration just one minute its working then the next time there's no life at all.
Changed the batteries and no difference.
Can't do the reset or anything like that as its dead as a Dodo.
Can one of the team send me a new one please!
2 weeks ago
Hi Accidental69
Try putting the box into 'Pairing Mode' by pressing the Standby/On button on the front of the box for 10 seconds. Then using the remote control, press and hold the 'TV' button and the '0' button together for 10 seconds. And fingers crossed hopefully a message should appear on the screen confirming that pairing was successful.
You can download and use the TVGo app which available for ios and android devices and use that as a temporary remote.
You should be able to order a replacement remote by following the 360 links on <this page> or wait a couple of days for a member of the forum team to pick your post up.
2 weeks ago
If your TV has a Smart remote you might be able to pair that to the 360, my LG Smart remote is paired to the 360 using Ziggo Mediabox Next, because that's what the 360 is known as outside the UK.
The online ordering is a bit hit and miss, the last post I read about it said it didn't work.
2 weeks ago
Just to add if it's the older remote with 4 batteries if you give it a shake to wake it up the back lit keys should light up, if it's the newer remote with 2 batteries I believe it has a light that flashes when you press the buttons if it's not doing either of these then it's definitely faulty, I know the 4 battery version doesn't like rechargeable batteries.
2 weeks ago
It's a fairly new remote with only 2 batteries. I can't put anything into pairing mode as the remote unit is dead. No lights when I push any buttons. If it was in a pet shop it would be an ex-parrot.
2 weeks ago
I have exactly the same situation. I managed to get only style remote to connect to the box but there is no way on the 360 menus to connect it to my TV. I want to ask Virgin for a replacement 360 remote but having spent an hour on hold today, I’m dreading having to go through their contact centre - its so painful
2 weeks ago
Hopefully someone from Virgin will read this and send me a new one. If I try to order one online I end up in an endless loop and I'm scared of disappearing up my own backside never to be seen again.
2 weeks ago
Have you tried going to Settings, Audio & video, Pair remote devices, select Change TV setup and run through the pairing process again.
2 weeks ago
Hello Accidental69
Sorry to hear of the remote issues, we appreciate you taking the time to raise this via the forums and we're happy to help.
I will send you a Private Message, please keep an eye out in the top right when signed into the forums for the envelope. This is where you will be able to find my Private Message and be able to respond.
In the meantime there is help here for remote control issues.