3 weeks ago
Hi my website www.elegancesalons.co.uk is not loading on Virgin Media network. It loads on other networks. It shows like this
It looks like the webpage at https://www.elegancesalons.co.uk/ might be having issues, or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
3 weeks ago
For me the website is being blocked by VM's Virus Safe filter.
You need to take care of these malware issues :
3 weeks ago
Hi, thanks for the reply. These issues where all fixed since I rebuild the site using Wix. But they are still showing false warnings. How can I fix that?
3 weeks ago
If you think your new site is free of problems, you need to start logging false positive reports with each of the security providers showing on Virus Total who still think your site has issues.
You could try the list below as a starter but double check the entries as doubtless they will change over time
3 weeks ago
Ok, Thank you I will do it.
3 weeks ago
For VM, email the details of the Virus Safe false positive to : websafefeedback@virginmedia.co.uk
3 weeks ago
Ok. Thank you so much