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How do I use SKY Sports + on a TV

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I know I need to go to the correct channel i.e. for EFL football but how do I view the different matches so i can select one?


On our wavelength

I have recently added Sky Sports to my existing package and discovered that SkySports+ which is the channel that you use to access other content, does not work and after speaking to Virgin, I was told that I need the latest TV 360 box rather than the V6 box. They are supplying me with the new required remote control and will do the upgrade remotely.

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Very Insightful Person

@kevro wrote:

I have recently added Sky Sports to my existing package and discovered that SkySports+ which is the channel that you use to access other content, does not work and after speaking to Virgin, I was told that I need the latest TV 360 box rather than the V6 box. They are supplying me with the new required remote control and will do the upgrade remotely.

The Sky Sports+ channel (508) should work, but you have no access to the Red Button app on the channel that connects to the additional streams with the V6. Some additional matches are available by pressing the Red Button on Sky Sports Football (503), but the selection is restricted & the streams are highly compressed.

VM 350BB 2xV6 & Landline. Freeview/Freesat HD, ASDA/Tesco PAYG Mobile. Cable customer since 1993

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Very Insightful Person

Hi Briant1 

You've posted in the Stream forum which is for the Stream TV set top box.

The Sky Sports + channel is available on all VM TV set top boxes, however the additional Sky Sports + red button streams are only available on the TV360 and Stream boxes.

I've found some of your older posts regarding the red button service in the forum archive on <this thread> and you should continue to use the red button and info button as previously because going by that thread it looks like you either have a tivo or V6 box.  The older tivo box is never going to get the additional Sky Sports + red button streaming content.

Currently the V6 box has red button content on Sky Sports Football (channel 503HD or 513SD) but not on 508, however it won't get the additional Sky Sports + red button streaming content until some undetermined time in the future.

< this pinned post> shows which additional football games are available on the V6 box, and also which ones are only available on the Stream/360 boxes.

If you have a V6 and don't want to wait for the update then you would  need to migrate to a TV360 set top box.

In the meantime the additional Sky Sports+ streams are available on the Sky Sports app for ios and android devices on mobiles and tablets. (They aren't available om computers)

I don't work for Virgin Media.
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Very Insightful Person

@Briant1 wrote:

I know I need to go to the correct channel i.e. for EFL football but how do I view the different matches so i can select one?

If you have a Stream box, go to channel 508 & press the Red Button.

VM 350BB 2xV6 & Landline. Freeview/Freesat HD, ASDA/Tesco PAYG Mobile. Cable customer since 1993

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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