on 15-01-2024 18:15
Good Evening
I currently have a cable running through my garage to the back of my house and into a VM box in my kitchen.
However, i am due to be having my garage converted and the VM cable will need moving. I have been on the VM website and cannot find any option to arrange this.
I believe there may be a £25 fee, which i am happy with.
Could one of the admins please send me a note so i can try and book someone in.
on 15-01-2024 18:21
Yes, a standard non fault call out fee of £25. It will take a day or two for a VM Mod to pick this up and discuss with you directly.
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on 18-01-2024 08:18
Hey mattygg, thank you for reaching out and no problem at all.
You are correct in the matter of an one off £25 fee.
I will send you a PM now so we can look at booking this in.
Matt - Forum Team
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