Availability - Neighbouring flats have it (10 meters away), so why can't we?
Hi there, Virgin is all over my area but my small building (around 10 flats) is the only one on my street that doesn't have FTTP by Virgin.
The small block of flats that is exactly adjacent to us has it, which is roughly 10-15 meters away has 1Gigabit connections available.
I made a call to Virgin and they said they would look into it and a member of construction would call me, but this morning I received an email saying sad news and that it's not in my area. This is simply not true.
I noticed others had similar issues and made posts to this forum with a decent degree of success so thought I would do the same.
Could someone from Virgin contact me as we are keen to-be customers and I am sure that other people in my building also are. I am also a Landlord in the building so can help facilitate with things.