Availability - neighbours have it, why can’t I?
I tried asking about this 6 months ago, but got nowhere. Thought I’d try again.
All my neighbours have access to Virgin broadband. Next door’s Virgin cable even runs on my property. But I can’t persuade Virgin to talk to me about installation for my house.
When I put my address in on the postcode checker link I get given a form to fill in, and am told someone will get back to me within 10 working days. No one ever does.
Has anyone got any suggestions about how I can progress?
Hi PianSom
Thank you for reaching out to us here, welcome to the community.
There could be a number of reasons why one property could receive service and not another. It’s very difficult to say without understanding it a little more so I would like to take a look at this for you and see what I can do to help. In order to do so I will need a little bit more detail so I will send you a private message.
Once we have a better understanding we may be able to escalate this to one of our team to resolve for you because we would love to have you as a customer.
Thank you