Forum Discussion

loklokison9's avatar
Tuning in
7 months ago

Urgent Request: Installation Delay Causing Internet Disruption

Hello, my name is Anson.

I recently ordered Virgin Media's 500Mbps plan, and the original installation date was set for August 2nd. However, it has been delayed twice now. Unfortunately, my current internet provider's service ends tomorrow, which means I will be without an internet connection from tomorrow until September 3rd, the latest estimated installation date.

As the internet is essential for both my daily life and work, this prolonged period without service will cause significant inconvenience. I understand that delays can happen, but being without internet for such an extended time is extremely difficult for me. I kindly request that Virgin Media expedite my installation or provide a temporary solution, such as a mobile hotspot, so that I can maintain connectivity during this period.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance. I hope to hear back soon with a resolution.

Best regards,

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Contact your existing ISP ASAP and defer / withdraw the cancellation, 
    until after the VM service has been installed and confirmed to be working satisfactorily.

  • goslow's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Check out the hundreds of other past topics about delayed installations and you will find that you are far from alone with this experience.

    You would be best to try to extend with your existing provider on a rolling monthly basis until such time as VM connects you.

    If you can't do that, sort yourself out some mobile connectivity on a rolling monthly basis to keep you going until VM installs. If they have bumped your installation to 3 September you may be in for a long wait.

    Keep very detailed records of VM's failings in a timeline format along with evidence (such as emails, texts etc.) matched to the timeline as you should be eligible for compensation for the delay

    although it is quite likely you will have to fight VM to get what is due to you.

  • Thanks for reaching out to us loklokison9, and a very warm welcome to you!

    Sorry to hear of the delayed installation of our services.

    I'd be happy to pick this up for you to see if there's anything that can be done to bring this forward for you.

    Check out the envelope in the top right hand corner for a private message from me



    • loklokison9's avatar
      Tuning in

      I cant even reply on your conversation
      I keep getting either
      "Correct the highlighted errors and try again."
      "You have reached the limit for number of private messages that you can send for now. Please try again later." 


    • loklokison9's avatar
      Tuning in

      And the installation date is getting delayed again. I’m extremely frustrated with the repeated delays in my installation, which was originally scheduled for August 2nd. I understand things happen, but I was really hoping to have everything sorted by now. If it can’t be done by September 3rd as promised, I’ll have to start looking at other providers. I hope Virgin Media can get it right this time.


  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    loklokison9 wrote:

    Hello, my name is Anson.

    I recently ordered Virgin Media's 500Mbps plan, and the original installation date was set for August 2nd. However, it has been delayed twice now. Unfortunately, my current internet provider's service ends tomorrow, which means I will be without an internet connection from tomorrow until September 3rd, the latest estimated installation date.

    The September 3rd date is no more reliable than the last date, or the next one you haven't yet been given.  Take this first experience of Virginmedia into consideration when deciding how to proceed. 

  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Hopefully you will have been keeping a full record of all correspondence from Virginmedia, as you should be due for substantial compensation. 

    The latest date you have been given is an arbitrary one and no more trustworthy than the others. In fact if they are finding the installation is difficult or too costly they could cancel it altogether.