3 weeks ago
since a few months ago i started to have trouble assessing a few websites from my mobile devices when they are connected to wifi, i can still access them when those mobile devices are connected to other wifis or using my mobile data instead. i can also access those websites from my laptop connected to the same wifi even tho there are also error messages sometimes. i can only conclude there is something wrong with my router setting and i would appreciate it if someone can help solve this issue. thanks
3 weeks ago
error messages include: "Safari couldn't open the page because the server stopped responding " and "the page page at www.xxx.com could not be loaded because: net:ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT"
3 weeks ago - last edited 3 weeks ago
Let's hope this will not be where we advice a tech savvy infant on how to evade parental controls !
The Safari browser interruption looks like your VM Online Account has "Child Safe" enabled.
If this is the case, there are two options :-
1) Login to the VM Online A/C and disable "Child Safe"
2) Set the Apple device to use a Public DNS e.g. Google DNS & for the VM Wi-Fi connection.
Safari private browsing and Apple Relay may also be ways of regaining access to all websites.
Do let us know what works !
3 weeks ago
Hi there @chace08
Thank you so much for your post and welcome to the community forums it's great to have you here.
I am so sorry that you have faced this issue with your service and thank you to our community member Client62 for their advise so far, have you been able to check the security settings following these steps?
2 weeks ago
thanks, i double checked the child safe is not on. The DNS/private browsing tricks did not work either 😞
2 weeks ago
i have checked the the settings and it didn't work
2 weeks ago
Do you have a VM Hub 5 and have "Smart Security" Enabled in the VM Connect app ?
If Yes, Disable "Smart Security" and try again.
The DNS lookup IP should be should as shown below ( regardless of the DNS used ),
check on your device to see if the correct Name & IP are returned ...
>>> nslookup www.xxx.com
Server: cache1.service.virginmedia.net
Non-authoritative answer:
Name: www.xxx.com