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Technical Fault You Won't Fix ??

Tuning in

Before I contact disconnections (I'm that angry), please give a a sanity check her !

I has an issue with my home hub 2, with poor wifi and red power light all the time.
I followed process, hub was confirmed faulty and a replacement dispatched.

I fitted new hub, and had nothing but agro with setup initially requiring a reset multiple times before sort of working.
I work from home, and have two PC's connected by two different Cat 5 cables to the ethernet ports on the hub.
It was immediately obvious that these PC's were having issues connecting to the internet when first switched on, and can take at worse up to 5 minutes to establish a connection.

Whilst this is going on I will point out that wifi connections are available, its only the ethernet connections that are affected.
Old hub didn't have this error, new hub does !!
Two different PC's on two different Cat5 cables affected, so its NOT my equipment !

Once connection to the internet is made, it will maintain the connection for the duration of the session.
However if a PC is switched off or put to sleep, we have to repeat the wait to get a connection again, with all tests reporting no internet connection.

I'm assuming these hubs are referbed units ?
This one has an issue that I didn't have until this hub was connected.

Support claim they can't see an issue (as stated, one it does connect its stable), so only suggestion is an engineer visit at my cost !!

So you sent me a replacement hub that has an issue, and I have to pay for someone to come and look at it !
Best bit is, even if they confirm the hub is faulty, apparently I STILL have to pay for the engineer visit !

How can this be right ??
I asked for escalation to team leader or manager, basically refused.

I have worked in customer service industries for 30 years, and this is NOT customer service.
Before I decamp to Sky, am I right in thinking this simply isn't right ??



Hi all just returning to the public thread to keep things updated. 

Thanks to Andy-2608 for PMing with me. 📩 I was able to confirm all the details needed to investigate and offer further support. 

We ended up sending out a replacement hub which seems to have resolved the issues! Really pleased to see it. 

Hopefully there are no further problems, but if anything returns please do let us know and we will be happy to help. 
Thanks for your patience whilst we took a look at things, and the replacement equipment arrived. 

Wishing you all the best! 🌞

