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Red light on hub 3

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Another topic about solid red light on hub 3...

For about 3 days now I have a solid red light on mu hub 3. It was never proper white, more like yellowish orange but now is proper red. Internet seems to be working fine and the connection seems stable but I'm a bit worried. Done the factory reset bit it didn't help. Maybe my hub is on its way out? Any suggestions welcome. Thanks 


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

In all fairness the Hub is most likely okay, however as the Red LED is the overheating warning it should be working properly.  If you wait here a VM Mod will pick this up and discuss directly with you.

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Thanks for your reply. If you are right and the red LED is an overheating warning, then why is it happening just now? I have this hub for about 8 - 9 years and is in the same place from the beginning. It's not covered in dust or anything like that. Has a lot of breathing space😅

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

The multicolured LED's in the Hub 3's are getting rather old now and not displaying correctly.  It's just old age  😉

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Hello pestca


Thanks for raising the Hub LED issue and it showing red, we understand the concern and are happy to support you with this, welcome to the community.

I will send you a Private Message, please keep an eye out in the top right when signed into the forums for the envelope. This is where you will be able to find my Private Message and be able to respond.

In the meantime, please follow the steps below and if the Hub feels overly warm to touch please don't use unattended:

• Turn the power switch off on the back of the Hub.

• Ensure the Hub is upright, in a well-ventilated location and out of direct sunlight, if possible.