Hub 3.0 constant red light
Hi, I have a hub 3.0 that is several years old now and I've noticed the red light is on constantly and has been for several months. It only registered that this is not right yesterday when we had an outage and restarted the hub. It sits on a T.V. stand just to the side and behind the telly that is on a bracket on the wall. I would say it is in an open and ventilated space and is not hot to the touch. Also for many months now I have had to change between the wifi on the hub and the extension we have on the landing upstairs because my phone won't connect even though I'm directly in front of it. This may or may not be connected to the red light issue. I wonder whether I might be eligible for an upgrade but I can't find a phone number and the live chat link isn't working. All advice welcome, Thanks