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Hub 3.0 Red light constant

Tuning in

Hi there. My Hub 3.o has a constant red light. It is placed correctly in the room, has never given me an issue and all wifi and TV services seem to be working ok. The "bot" tells me it is overheating. All remedies have been tried -what is my next move? All suggestions gratefully received. 


Tuning in

Incidentally the "bot" suggested to me there is an intermittent signal in the area (which clearly isnt the problem) and then sent me a link to further help to my phone which gave a 404 error .. ie the web page doesnt exist. Come on VM!!

Hey spenno99, thank you for reaching out and I am so sorry to hear you are having some red light issues.

I can see you've spoke to team, did the manage to help at all? 

Matt - Forum Team

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