Hive hub 360 not picking up virgin wifi and therefore not working
I have a virgin hub 6. When trying to set up my hive 360 hub, it won't show my virgin Internet as an option in the list.
As stated.... this is a common issue on the Hive 360 - and because they took the step of removing its ethernet port (for some unknown reason!) then you cant permanently solve it properly by connecting it directly to the VM Hub by ethernet cable. So you are reliant on the wifi in the Hub5 to do the heavy lifting. This forum has multiple threads on similar issues in connecting 2.4 GHz only devices which dont connect correctly with VM's "smart wifi" being enabled - which combines the 2.4 and 5 GHz channels together on one SSID.
So if Client62's "fix" hasnt worked you need to try switching it off permanently as per an old thread below. Try it and report back if the issue persists.
Its not clear if VM will "fix" this issue in the future if not your best option will be to ditch VM wifi completely and get your own router and wireless equipment to free you of these issues.
Go into the Hub’s settings. Type in into your web browser’s url box and login with settings password on the Hub's base sticker (or your own if you changed it). Then in Advanced>wireless signal >smart wifi - tick the disable “channel optimisation” box or the“Smart Wifi” box and save settings. May be different pathways and wording on the 3 Hub types. This (message 2) is for a Hub3…
Then, go to advanced>wireless signal>security, rename the 2.4 & 5 GHz network ssid's. Just type over to change 'em to whatever you like and something that will differentiate them (e.g - Dchurch_2 & Dchurch_5). Try to avoid spaces and periods in the SSID names as they can cause issues with certain devices. Use the same password for simplicity, Then, apply settings and restart the Hub. Your 2 wifi networks will now be clearly separated - and you can then select the network you want each device to connect to… individually from the "available networks" list on each of your devices.
Note all your wifi devices will need re-connecting to the new SSID's and passwords.
All things being equal, 5 GHz is always better/faster and subject to less congestion/interference (and is better for iDevice speeds than the 2.4 one - although the 2.4 one has the better "range" and will be needed when the 5 GHz drops out of range and some older/cheaper/dumber or “specialised” devices can only use this one.