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Having Three WiFi Transmitters / Networking

On our wavelength

Good evening all. I'm hoping someone might be able to give me some networking advice please.

I have a VirginMedia Hub at home - a standard installation 1gb broadband with a Hub 5 - running in router mode.

Along the way, I also have obtained a spare VM Hub 5, plus an VM SuperHub 2AC.


What I'd like to do is turn the spare VM Hub 5 and VM SuperHub 2AC into separate networks that will run elsewhere in our house. Hard wiring them is not a problem.

I'd like the existing VM Hub 5 to publish ip addresses 1-125. The second one to publish ip addresses 125-175, and the VM SuperHub 2AC to publish ip addresses 175 to the end (whatever number that would be).


1. How do I go about that? I'm guessing the first hub stays in router mode, but the others need to go into modem only mode?
2. How do I alter the range of IP addresses that the hub is able to publish?

Any help that anyone is able to give would be very much appreciated.


Rising star

Yeah, you can do this no problem. This is what "routers" are meant for after all. The issue is, it's not possible with VM networking equipment as it's heavily locked down.

Just set WAN IP of secondary routers to an IP in LAN range of primary router.

Last time advanced (basic) networking was possible with VM provided equipment was back in 2010 with the Dlink DIR-615. That was a very eco-friendly router, lasted me almost 20 years in one way or another (thanks Old Virgin Media)

Post 2012 VM branded hubs are heavily locked down. Old hubs nowadays are completely useless, only good for landfill. Maybe VM is an eco un-friendly company nowadays, at least in my experience.

Alessandro Volta

The 'spare' Hub 5 is VM property. If you bought it on ebay you wasted your money 

- jpeg1
My name is NOT Alessandro. That's just a tag Virginmedia sticks on some contributors. Please ignore it.

How delightful.